:Objective To study human beta2defensin22 (hBD22) expression and clinical correlation on lung carcinoma. Methods 32 carcinoma specimens come f rom carcinoma tissue, as well as matched specimens f rom pan cancerous normal tissue of human lung. The expression of hBD22 was detected and analyzed semiquantitatively by Western blot and immnohistochemist ry. Results hBD22 expression in lung carcino2 ma was significantly higher than that in normal lung tissue. There was a significant difference in different clinical stage of lung carcinoma. But the expression of hBD22 was no significant difference in different type of lung cancer. Meanwhile, immnohistochemist ry suggested that the expression of hBD22 was high2 er in lung carcinoma than that in normal lung tissue. Conclusion The amount of hBD22 expression was correlated with development of lung carcinoma and it possibly took part in the pathogenesy in lung carci2 noma.