

Nipple Discharge not Associated with a Lump——Analysis of 124 cases

  • 摘要: 目的 深讨不伴肿物乳头溢液对检出早期乳腺癌及癌前病变的临床价值。方法 对124例不伴肿物乳头溢液患者(其中浆液性溢液47例,血性溢液74例,脓性3例),行手术治疗,先行病变导管切除,如为恶性,则行乳腺癌改良根治术。结果 本组病例良性者115例,占92.7%,其中乳腺导管内乳头状瘤和乳腺囊性增生病占79%;乳头状瘤(病)伴瘤细胞或导管上皮增生活跃(癌前病变)14例,占11.3%;乳腺癌9例,占7.3%,9例患者均为血性乳头溢液,占血性溢液之12.2%,均为临床早期癌(T0期乳腺癌)。结论 不伴肿物乳头溢液对检出早期乳腺癌及癌前病变有重要的临床价值。


    Abstract: Objective To explore the clinical value of nipple discharge not associated with a lump in the detection of breast cancer in early stage and precancerous lesions. Methods From January,1992 to October,1998.124 patients with nipple discharge in the absence of a lump in the same breast were treated by operation.Among them,47 cases were serous discharge,74 cases were bloody discharge and 3 were purulent.All the patients were performed ductectomy or local excision at first,modificatory radical mastectomy were performed on 8 patients and mastectomy on 1 after the diagnosis of carcinoma having been confirmed. Results 115 cases were benign lesions in this group (account for 92.7%),in which, intraductal papilloma and cystic hyperplasia 98(79%),papilloma or papillomatosis with active epithelial hyperplasia 14(11.3%)—precancerous lesions.All the nine cases of breast cancer were bloody nipple discharge(7.3%).The incidence of carcinoma in cases of bloody discharge was 12.2%.All of them were T0 carcinoma. Conclusion Nipple discharge not associated with a lump has an important value in the detection of breast cancer in early stage and precancerous lesions.


