

Surgica Treating Portal Vein Hypertension for Cirrhosis of the Liver with the Esophageal Carcinomas

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨伴肝硬变门静脉高压症食管癌外科治疗的指征和新术式。方法 均采用不切开隔肌行食管癌根治切除和经腹病态脾脏联合切除术。胃经食管裂孔上提入胸行食管胃吻合术,并将大见网膜覆盖固定于肺门或上腔静脉区域。结果 本组79例患者根治切除78例,切除率为98.7%。术后并发症为胸腔渗出液较多,余无其它并发症的发生。术后生存≥2年为82.1%(64/78)、≥3年为61.5%(48/78)、≥5年为28.2%(22/78)。结论 伴肝硬变门静脉高压症食管癌手术适应证的选择,其肝功能应在Child分级标准的A级或A级以上,否则,应改选其它治疗方法。其术后生存率与普通食管癌术后相似。


    Abstract: Objective To devise a new surgical procedure and surgical treating indication for esophageal cancer with the portal hypertension caused by hepatocirrhosis. Methods To adopt the stomach passed through of esophageal hialus for Esophagogastrostomy,with the splenectomy and Esophagectomy,with the great epiploon blanketed the hilus of lung and the venae cava Superior. Results In the 79 cases radical Esophagectomy were 78 patients,the overall resectability was 98.7%, and on after of the complication was more of pleural effusion.The≥2、≥3、≥5years survival rates were 82.1%(64/78)、61.5%(48/78)、28.2%(22/78)respectively. Conclusion The surgery operation indication on over the A class function of the liver in the Child,the postoperative with as Esophageal cancer as patients in the survival rates.


