Embolization of Glomus Jugulare Tumours
摘要: 目的评价介入栓塞治疗对颈静脉球瘤的作用。方法3例经手术病理证实的颈静脉球瘤患者,采用Seldinger技术先行超选择性插管造影明确病变部位及其供血动脉,接着灌注聚乙烯醇颗粒(PVA颗粒)适量。栓塞后一周行手术切除。结果3例患者的肿瘤供血动脉均被栓塞,肿瘤染色消失。栓塞后行手术切除,均完全切除且出血量少。栓塞后随访观察,患者的临床症状均减轻或消失。结论颈静脉球瘤的栓塞治疗对于减少术中出血和抑制肿瘤生长有积极的作用,术前栓塞加外科手术切除是治疗颈静脉球瘤的一种行之有效的方法。Abstract: Objective To evaluate the role of embolization of glomus jugulare lumors. Methods 3 patients were examined on the Philips DSA system.Under Seldinger technique,superselective catheterization was performed.Particles of PVA were used as embolic material. Results All of the tumors were disvascularized and the tumor stain disappeared after embolization.The tumors were cut off by surgery within one week. Conclusion Embolization is very useful to reduce bleeding and to restrain the living of the glomus jugulare tu...