
PICC 与颈内静脉插管在肿瘤患者化疗中的应用比较

Compare with PICC and Internal Jugular Vein Application on Chemotherapy of Neoplasm Patient

  • 摘要: 目的 比较经外周静脉穿刺中心静脉插管(PICC)和颈内静脉插管在肿瘤患者化疗中的优缺点。方法 观察34例PICC插管和30例颈内静脉插管的插管成功率、穿刺时间、导管留置时间、液体流速和穿刺并发症。结果 与颈内静脉插管相比较,发现PICC插管的一次成功率较高,为88.2%(P〈0.05),穿刺时间较短,平均操作时间为13.38±5分钟(P〈0.01),导管留置时间明显延长,平均128天(P〈0.01)。PICC导管的主要并发症为导管堵塞、周围静脉炎和导管相关感染,颈内静脉导管的主要并发症为导管相关感染和误入动脉。结论 PICC和颈内静脉插管均存在各自的优缺点。与颈内静脉插管相比,PICC是一种较为安全、易于掌握的插管方法,对于长期化疗或静脉输液的病人,应首选PICC插管。


    Abstract: Objective  To compare the advantage and disadvantage between peripherally inserted central catheter ( PICC) and internal jugular venous catheter. Methods  The patient s were divided into two groups by different insertion methods. The success rate of insertion, manipulatory and intubalation time, fluid speed, complication incidence were compared. Results  Compared with internal jugular venous catheter, PICC had a higher rate of successful insertion, was 88. 2 %( P < 0. 05), a less time of insertion, average worker time 13. 38 ±5min ( P < 0. 01), a longer time of intubalation, average 128 day ( P < 0. 01) .The main complications of PICC were catheter occlusion, phlebitis and catheter related infection. The main complications of internal jugular venous catherer related infection and artery damage. Conclusion  Both routes of cent ral venous catheterization had advantage and disadvantage. PICC was safer and easier to place, and it was the first choice for long-time chemotherapy had iv therapy. Careful manipilation and nursing should be practiced for both routes to decrease the rate of cmpmplications.


