

Cl inical Observation of Docetaxel Combined with Low2dose Cisplatin for Treating Advanced Non2small Cell Lung Cancer in Elderly Patients

  • 摘要: 目的探讨多西他赛联合低剂量顺铂治疗晚期高龄非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的疗效及毒副反应。方法对31例晚期高龄NSCLC患者用多西他赛40mg/m^-2,静脉滴注,每周1次,连续2周;顺铂14mg/m^2,静脉滴注,每天1次,连用5次;以上化疗方案每4周重复1次,每例进行2周期化疗。结果全组31例,总有效率32.3%(10/31),其中PR10例,SD16例,PD5例,无CR病例,中位生存时间10.3个月。Ⅲ~Ⅳ度的中性粒细胞减少发生率为29.0%(9/31),非血液学毒性主要为疲劳乏力等(14/31,占45.2%)。结论周剂量多西他赛联合低剂量顺铂是治疗晚期高龄NSCLC较好的化疗方案


    Abstract: Objective  To evaluated the efficacy and toxicity of Docetaxel combined with low2dose Cisplatin as alternative chemotherapy for elderly patient s with advanced non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) . Methods  Thirty2one patient s were enrolled in the study. Each was t reated as following : Docetaxel 40mg/ m2 infusion once per week for two weeks ; Cisplatin 14mg/ m2 / d infusion on day1~5. Af ter 2 con2 secutive t reatment course, each for 4 weeks, evaluation of the short2term efficacy and adverse effect s was carried out . Results  The overall response rate was 32. 3 %(10/ 31) . CR0 (0 %), PR10 (32. 3 %), SD16 (51. 6 %), PD5 (16. 1 %), median OS was 10. 3 months. Hematologic toxicities, which were mild, in2 cluded grade Ⅲ~ Ⅳ neut ropenia in 29. 0 %(9/ 31) . The major non2hematologic toxicity was weakness (45. 2 %) . Conclusion  Weekly Docetaxel combined with low2dose Cisplatin as alternative chemotherapy is encouraging for elderly patient s with advanced NSCLC.


