

Make an Inquiry into Clinical Diagnosis and Relatlonship of CP by the MoAb Against Gastrlo Carcincma

  • 摘要: 目的 为了研究胃癌单克隆抗体的表达及临床意义。方法 用本室制备的对胃癌有较强特异性的McAb GMG1:1D1-2对151例内窥镜活检组织压印片进行免疫组织化学检查。结果 用本法检查组织印片中的癌细胞以及具有癌细胞相关抗原的癌前病变组织,特异性强,反应灵敏,结果可靠。结论 如果与内窥镜和常规病理学检查联合应用,会提高早期癌的检出率,本文还就抗人胃癌McAb与CP的相关性进行了初步探讨。


    Abstract: Objective In order to study the expression and cinical significance of McAb against gastric carcinoma. Methods 151 samples of print/press sections from gastric endoscope biopsy were examined by the monoclonal antibody GMG1:1D-2 which was specific to gastric carcinoma and made by author's laboratory. Results The results showed that the method had a high specificity and sensitivity for examination and recognition of the gastric carcinoma cells and cells of precancerous lesions with related antigen of carcinomatous cells in print sections and the examination results was reliable. Conclusion It is clear that the method is very useful to promote the diagnosis rate of earlier lesion,especially combining the endoscopy and routine pathological examination.The relationship of McAb and CP was also discussed in this paper.


