
固本得康对放射条件下小鼠免疫调 变及抗辐射作用的实验研究

Expetimental Leseach in Immunozagulation and Anti-LadiaT ion of Gubendekang in Mice unolez Zadiation

  • 摘要: 目的 在放射条件下进行固本得康 对小鼠免疫调节及抗辐射作用实验研究。方法 给药后60C0照射对 小鼠进行抗辐射损伤、外周血、腹腔巨噬细胞吞噬功能、骨髓嗜多染红细胞微核试验;给药 后 行移植瘤试验。结果 固本得康具有抗辐射损伤、延长寿命提高存活率;抑 制和/或延缓肿瘤生长;保护和提高巨噬细胞吞噬率和吞噬指数;降低微核出现率的显著作 用。结论 固本得康可能主要是通过神经递质重建并实现神经—内分泌—免 疫系统的平衡,间接影响免疫应荅;参与 和促进骨髓细胞及NA、DNA和蛋白质的合成;抗辐射引起的细胞膜表面糖蛋白脱落和膜脂质 流动性的改变。


    Abstract: Objective The purpose of this experment is to study the effect of Guben-dekang in mice under adiation on immun-regulation and ant i-radiation. Methods mice(C57BL、NiH) were fed Gubendekang befose transplanted tumor.The peripheral blood white cells and the function of macrophage of abdomina cavity and microuncleus of The bone marrow were assayed undez ladiation of the 60C0. Results Gubendekang not onl y had sign-ifiant effect on anttinadiation injur,but also increase survival rat e.Gubendekang could enhance the phagocytic power of macrophage and effect of imm unoregulation of phagocylic index. Conclusion Gubendekang possibly la kes effect by Nelso which improves the functional reconstitution of stom cells of the bone marrow and realizes intesaction of the newso.


