Objective The purpose of this experment is to study the effect of Guben-dekang in mice under adiation on immun-regulation and ant i-radiation. Methods mice(C57BL、NiH) were fed Gubendekang befose transplanted tumor.The peripheral blood white cells and the function of macrophage of abdomina cavity and microuncleus of The bone marrow were assayed undez ladiation of the 60C0. Results Gubendekang not onl y had sign-ifiant effect on anttinadiation injur,but also increase survival rat e.Gubendekang could enhance the phagocytic power of macrophage and effect of imm unoregulation of phagocylic index. Conclusion Gubendekang possibly la kes effect by Nelso which improves the functional reconstitution of stom cells of the bone marrow and realizes intesaction of the newso.