

The builder of retrofit model of Vx-2 carcinoma in rabbit liver

  • 摘要: 目的 培养、建立稳定的兔肝Vx|2移植癌模型,探讨不同植瘤方式的成功率。方法 60只新西兰白兔随机分3组,每组20只。 分别以不同的方式将Vx|2瘤细胞植入兔的肝脏。观察:1.不同方式植瘤的成活率;2.B超测定肝内肿瘤7d、10d、14d、17d、21d时的大小,并计算肿瘤生长率;3.大体及镜下(光镜和电镜)瘤组织形态特征。结果 1.三组植瘤成活率分别为7/20、10/20、19/20,改良组植瘤成活率最高(P<0.05),瘤体呈指数性生长;2.病理学及CT表明该瘤在肝组织中呈浸润式生长,其性状与移植于兔其它部位的Vx|2鳞状细胞癌特征相似。结论 成功建立了兔肝Vx|2移植癌模型,瘤组织块种植方式成功率明显高于其它两组方式,为肝癌介入治疗的基础及临床研究,提供了成熟的大型实验动物模型。


    Abstract: Objective To establish suitable metastatic rabbit Vx|2 liver tumor model for experimental study and to probe into different tumor transplanted methods. Methods 60 male New Zealand white rabbits were divided into 3 groups at random,20 in each group. Vx|2 tumor cells were transplanted into rabbit livers in different way.Then observe :1、the success rate of implanting tumor.2、the volume change of tumor by ultrasonograpy and calculate the growth rate of tumor.3、the biological features of tumor (histopathology and electronic microscope photographs).4、the DSA imagining features of tumor. Results The success rate of transplanting tumor of 3 groups were 7/20、10/20、19/20,the retrofit group was the highest of 3 groups(P<0.05).The tumor grew as exponential curve. Histopathology and electronic microscope photographs indicated that the tumor grow in the liver tissue and infiltrated into the normal tissue.The tumor had the similar biological features of squamous cell carcinoma that transplanted in other sites of rabbits. Conclusion It is successful to set up retrofit metastatic rabbit Vx|2 liver carcinoma model. It is obvious that the success rate of transplanting tumor tissue mass is higher than the other two methods,and it is possible to gain a reliable mature large tumor animal modelfor the basic and clinical study of liver carcinoma intervenient therapy.


