

Case-control Study on Non-viral Risk Factors of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma with IgA Antibodies to Epstein-Barr Virus Capsid Antigens Positive

  • 摘要: 目的 以EB病毒IgA/VCA阳性为入列条件,进行大样本的病例-对照研究,系统性地评估鼻咽癌家族史,环境因素包括饮食、吸烟和职业暴露在中国南方鼻咽癌发病中的作用。方法 选择的1 010例经病理学确诊的鼻咽癌病人及1 009例正常人对照均来源于梧州市和苍梧县及其周边广西和广东高发市县。病例与对照的EB病毒IgA/VCA血清学检测均为阳性。对有关暴露因素进行单因素及多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。结果 研究结果显示有鼻咽癌一级亲属的EB病毒IgA/VCA阳性个体患鼻咽癌的风险会升高3.05倍。食用咸鱼、经常接触柴火及有机溶剂、较早年龄开始吸烟会显著增加患鼻咽癌的风险,其OR值分别为1.70、4.04、2.23、1.68。结论 在调整EB病毒感染状态因素后,研究结果证实在南方高发区,鼻咽癌家族史、食用咸鱼、接触柴火及有机溶剂、吸烟仍然是鼻咽癌的非病毒危险因素。


    Abstract: Objective A large-scale case-control study was conducted to evaluate the role of family history with nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and environmental factors (i.e. dietary, tobacco smoking and occupational exposures) in the development of NPC in Southern China. Both cases and controls are the participants for IgA antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus capsid antigens (EBV/IgA/VCA) positive. Methods The biopsy-confirmed NPC cases (n=1 010) and controls (n=1 009) who were NPC-free at the time of study enrollment came from Wuzhou City, Cangwu County and the neighboring Counties and cities of Wuzhou in Guangdong and Guangxi territory. Both of categories were defined as EBV/IgA/VCA positive. Univariate and multivariate unconditional logistic regression were used to analyze associations between the exposure factors and NPC. Results There was found that EBV/IgA/VCA positive individuals with a first-degree relative with NPC had 3.05 fold high risks to develop to NPC. Consumption of salted fish, wood fire and solvents exposure, starting smoking at an early age (<20 years) were significantly associated with increased risk of NPC. The OR value for each risk factor was 1.70, 4.04, 2.23 and 1.68 respectively. Conclusion The results that analysis was adjusted for EBV infection status confirmed that family history with NPC, consumption of salted fish, wood fire and solvents exposure, and smoking are still non-viral risk factors of NPC in Southern China.


