

Studies on the Differentiation of HL-60 C ells Induced by Cinnamic Acid

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨桂皮酸对人早幼粒白血病细胞(HL-60)的 分化诱导作用。方法 用桂皮酸处理HL-60细胞,进行细胞增殖速度、硝 基蓝四氮唑(NBT)还原反应和过氧化酶测定并观察细胞形态的改变。结果  显示1mmol/L和2.5mmol/L桂皮酸均使HL-60细胞增殖受到明显抑制,细胞形态向成熟粒 细胞转变,NBT还原反应显著增强(P<0.01或<0.05),过氧化酶染色则明显减弱。结论 桂皮酸对HL-60细胞具有诱导分化作用。


    Abstract: The aim of this study is to find the inducing differen tiation effect of cinnamic acid on HL-60 cell.The HL-60 cells were treated with cinnam ic acid in vitro,and the change of morphology,the proliferation rate,the ability of NBT reduction and the color reaction of peroxidase of the cells were observe d.The results showed that,when HL-60 cells were treated with 1mmol/L and 2.5mm ol/L of cinnamic acid,the HL-60 cell's proliferation was significantly inhibit ed,the cell's morphology had transformed into more mature myeloid cells,the red uction ability of NBT had significantly increased(P<0.01or<0.05),and the c olor reaction of peroxidase of the cells was much weakened.It indicated that the cinnamic acid had the differentiation effect on HL-60 cell.


