

Animal Experiment and Clinic Study of Elliptical Esophagogastroanastomosis

  • 摘要: 目的 为避免或减少食管胃吻合术后吻合口狭窄、返流性食管炎及 吻合口瘘;设计了食管胃椭圆形吻合法。方法 实验与临床均随机分为椭圆 形 吻合法组与传统吻合法组进行对比研究。结果 椭圆形吻合法组无论是吻合 口径、组织愈合过程、抗返流、食管粘膜充血、水肿及食管粘液pH值测定等方面均优于传统 吻合法(P<0.05)。结论 椭圆形吻合法是食管胃消化道重建中更为理 想的手术方法。


    Abstract: Objective To avoid or reduce anastomotic stenosis leakage and reflux esophagitis of post-esophagogastrotomy for patients with carcinoma of esophagus and cardia.We design the elliptical esophagogastromosis.Metho ds Forty hybrid dogs were separated into two groups randomly (elliptical a nastomosis in 20 and conventienal methods in 20).Two hundred and two patients t r eated with elliptical anastomosis in which 60 cases examined.One hundred and six patients underwent conventional methods and 45 patients tested. Results There were no anastomotic stenosis in group A dogs and four dogs appear an as tomotic stenosis (P<0.05).The leading capability of anastomosis in group A was better than group B on pathological examination.All dogs were no reflux in g roup A and over 1/2 dogs were reflux in group B (P<0.05).The average diamet er of anastomosis in elliptical anastomosi s was 2.02±0.38cm and conventional methods were 1.35±0.82cm (P<0.01) i n all patients.The mucus congestion edema and pH in esophagus were significantly different (P<0.05) within two groups. Conclusion Elliptical ana stomosis was superior to conventional methods.It was worth poputarizing after es ophagogastrectomy for carcinoma of the esophagus and cardia.


