The Analysis of Gastric Carcinoma Cell by Flow Cytome try and Its Clinical Significance
摘要: 目的 为了研究胃癌细胞DNA指数(DI)、S期细胞百分率(SPF)及细 胞增殖指数(PI)与胃癌的预后及淋巴结转移的关系。方法 对41例Ⅲ期胃癌 蜡块进行制备细胞悬液后,采用美国B-D公司生产的FACS Calibur型流式细胞仪进行细胞获 取和测量,分析软件采用Modfit LT.2.0。结果 DI、SPF、PI与胃癌预后 无 关(P>0.05),DI与胃癌淋巴结转移有关(P<0.05),SPF、PI与淋巴结转移无关。 结论 DI、SPF、PI与胃癌预后无关,DI与胃癌淋巴结转移关系密切;DI越 高,胃癌越倾向于淋巴结转移,而不倾向于深部侵润。而SPF,PI与淋巴结转移无关。Abstract: By analysing Wax-pieces of 41 cases of Ⅲ-stage gastric carcinoma by flow cytometry,This study suggests that DI (DNA index),SPF (s-per iod frequency) and PI (proliferating index) are not relatvie to the gastric carc inoma prognosis (P>0.05),DI is relative to lymphatic metastasis (the highe r DI,the more lymphatic metastasis is inclined to appear and the deep infiltrati on not to appear).and SPF,PI are not relative to lymphatic metastasis.