

The Clinical Significance of Thrombelastogrophy of Lung Cancer

  • 摘要: 目的 应用血栓弹力图(TEG),探讨肺癌患者体内凝血状态。方法 对30例肺癌患者于治疗前进行TEG及常规凝血象的测定,另选100例健康 人为对照组。结果 绝大多数(29/30)肺癌患者TEG表现为高凝图象:γ值 4.44±1.80、K值2.06±1.73较正常对照组明显缩短,Ma值66.44±6.45、Mε值209. 79±66.07较正常对照组明显增宽(P<0.01)随着病情发展,γ、K值缩短及Ma、Mε 值 增宽更明显。结论 肺癌患者体内存在病理性高凝状态,临床可根据TEG的 变化诊断肺癌患者凝血状态,对判断病情、预后及指导治疗具有参考价值。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate the coagulable states of patient s with lung cancer by thrombelastography (TEG) Methods TEG and coagu lation routine were measured in 30 patients with lung cancer and 100 normal cont rol.Comparisons were made between lung cancer and normal control Results WTBZ The hypercoagulable sign of the most lung cancer (29/30) were showed that γ value (4.44±1.80min)、K value (2.06±1.73min) are obvious short and Ma v alue (66.44±6.45min)、Mε value (209.19±66.07) are obvious wide,compared w ith normol control (P<0.01).The hypercoagulable states are more obvious alo ng with the disease progressing. Conclusion The coagulopathy of p atients can be diagnosed according to the changes of TEG.It can be used as refer eces in judging the condition of patients,to prognose and instract the treatment for patients with lung caucer.


