A Contrast Observation of Cardiogram Changes between Brain Tumours and Apoplexy
摘要: 目的 探讨脑肿瘤与脑血管意外部位与心电图改变的相关性。方法 对 85例脑肿瘤与 87例脑血管意外行头颅CT扫描及心电图检查, 并作对比性分析。结果 脑肿瘤、脑出血 (CH)、脑梗塞 (CI)心电图异常发生率分别为 6 0 %、82 .35 %、73.5 8%, 三组之间有显著性差异 (P <0 .0 5 )。脑肿瘤心电图改变以顶叶发生率为高, 达 2 9.4 1%, 而脑出血、脑梗塞以基底节发生率最高, 分别为 38.2 4 %、6 6 .0 4 %, 统计学处理差异显著 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 心电图异常改变既与病变性质有关, 也与脑损害部位有关, 越靠近中线部位的病变, 心电图异常发生率越高且越严重Abstract: Objective To explore the relationship between the regions of brain tumours and apoplexy and cardiogram changes. Methods 85 patients with brain tumours and 87 patients with apoplexy were examined by brain CT and ECG, contrast ananlysis was used meantime. Results The occur rate of cardiogram abnormity is 60% of BT(brain tumours), (82.35%) of CH and (73.58%) of CI respectively, there was a significant difference among the three groups. The aguishest region of cardiogram abnormity is lobus parietali...