

Spiral CT Diagnostic Value in Pulmonary Nodule to Assess Growth and Malignancy Status

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨螺旋CT在观察肺结节生长变化及良恶性判断中的价值。方法  5个体外结节模型、6 5例肺内结节接受螺旋CT扫描, 测量结节 2D直径和面积及 3D容积, 体外结节数据与原始数据比较, 肺内结节通过大小变化计算倍增时间来预测其良恶性, 结果与手术病理或追踪 2年以上结果比较。结果 按肺癌标准生长模式, 癌结节 4w后直径、面积和容积分别增大超过 3%、7%和 11% ;体外结节2D和 3D误差为 8%和为 3% ;肺内结节 2D、3D结果准确度分别为 78.5 %、95 .4 %, 3D结果优于 2D结果, P <0 .0 5。结论 螺旋CT 2D和 3D测量能很好地观察肺结节的生长变化, 倍增时间能准确反映结节性质, 3D容积测量更为准确 ;肺结节尤其是直径小于 2 4mm者CT短期复查 (4w内 )有很好的诊断价值。


    Abstract: Objective To determine the accuracy of Spiral tomographic (SCT) measurements of small pulmonary nodules to assess growth and malignancy status. Methods The authors performed repeat SCT of 5 nodule phantoms of various sizes and shapes to assess the accuracy of the measurement technique including nodule diameters、areas and volumes. They then used this technique to assess 65 pulmonary nodules (34 malignant, 31 benign) in patients who underwent repeat SCT as part of their routine clinical protocol, the final d...


