Operation treatment of the liver cancer combined with portal hight pressure disease
摘要: 目的 探讨肝癌合并门静脉高压症施行联合手术的可行性, 手术方式及手术适应症。方法 筛选 33例施行联合手术治疗的该类病人作回顾性临床分析。结果 术后并发中等量腹水 5例, 胸腔积液 4例, 膈下脓肿 1例, 1例术后 2周死于肝肾衰竭, 15例出院后均死于肝癌复发, 无食管胃底曲张静脉破裂出血死亡, 此死亡的 17例病人平均生存 2 0 .2 9月。另 16例术后至今仍然存活, 生活均能自理, 其中 2例术后 4 2月余仍带瘤生存。结论 合理掌握手术适应症和手术方式, 对肝癌合并门静脉高压症施行联合手术治疗是安全可行的。Abstract: Objective To study practicability of co-operation?operation way and operation indication about liver cancer combine portal vein hight pressure disease. Methods Sort out 33 patients that already accepted co-operation treatment make retrospective and clinical analysis. Results In past operation complication,equal ascites was 5,store liquid of thorxa was 4,abscess under the midriff was1,1 patient died in live and kidney crock up in 2 weeks.15 patients are all died in liver cancer relapse after they left ho...