Objective To evaluate the clinical features the diagnosis and t reatment of adult rhabdomyosar2 coma of the bladder. Methods two cases of adult rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder were analyzed ret ro2 spectively. Results Two cases underwent surgical t reatment . The rhabdomyosarcoma were proved post2 operatively by pathology and immunohistochemist ry. The two cases were postoperatively t reated with regular chemotherapy and radiotherapy and there were no evidence of recurrence. The first case has been still alive during the follow2up of two years while the second case died of cerebrovascular accident af ter eight months follow2up . Conclusion The adult rhabdomyosarcoma of bladder is rare and has atypical symptoms. Pathology and immunohistochemist ry are helpful for it s diagnosis. Combined therapeutic st rategy of primary radical surgery is effective for adult rhabdomyosarcoma of the bladder.