Objective To detect the major biologic characteristics of oval cells, and to explore it s correla2 tion to hepatocarcinoma through dynamic observation on evolutive law of the oval cells in experimental hepatocarcinogenesis. Methods By const ructing the experimental liver cancer models and using tech2 niques including routine HE stain, alcian blue stain and immunohistochemist ry to observe the major bio2 logic characteristics of the oval cells and the law of evolution in hepatocarcinogenesis. Results Along with the prolonging of cancer2induction, the oval cells proliferated gradually, then come forth precancer2 ous lesions, and became hepatocellular and (or) cholangiocellular carcinoma. OV26, AFP and c2kit were expressed in all oval cells in every period. Conclusion Associated with abnormal differentiation of oval cells maybe associated with primary liver cancer, and the oval cells express OV26, AFP and c2kit charac2 teristically.