Clinicopathologic Analysis of Strumal Carcinoid of Ovary
摘要: 目的探讨卵巢甲状腺肿类癌的病理学及临床特点。方法对4例卵巢甲状腺肿类癌作临床病理分析,免疫组化染色和电镜观察,并随访,同时复习相关文献。结果3例为混合型,1例为瘤壁结节型;组织学上3例呈梁状结构,1例以梁状结构为主,混合岛状结构;免疫表型上4例NSE、Syn均阳性,3例CgA、降钙素阳性,1例5-HT阳性;TG、TTF-1滤泡区阳性,而类癌区阴性。结论卵巢甲状腺肿类癌是一种具有独特临床病理学特征的低度恶性神经内分泌癌,伴有甲状腺滤泡分化。Abstract: Objective To study the clinicopathologic characteristics of st rumal carcinoid of the ovary. Methods Four cases of st rumal carcinoid of the ovary were studied by clinical and pathological features, immunohistochemical staining, elect ron microscopy and clinical follow up, with review of related litera2 ture. Results Three cases were mixed type and 1 was the type of node in the cyst macroscopically. Three cases were t rabecular patterns and 1 of t rabecular pattern predominatly associated with island st ructure. Immunohistochemist ry showed 4 cases were positive for NSE and Syn, 3 for CgA and calcitonin, 1 for 52 HT ;positive for TG, TTF21 in the thyroid tissue and negative in the caicinoid. Conclusion St rumal car2 cinoid of the ovary is a low grade malignant neuroendocrine carcinoma with thyroid tissue.