

The Evaluation of Occult Blood Bead on Diagnoses of Upper Digestive Tract Diseases

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨隐血珠对上消化道疾病诊断价值。方法 对自然人群中24712例志愿者行隐血珠检测,对检测结果为“+++”及“++者作纤维胃镜进一步检查确诊,并进行统计分析。结果 对隐血珠检测阳性者志愿作胃镜检查2568例,发现上消化道各种炎性病变2015例,占75.80%,上消化道癌108例,占4.06%,消化性溃疡、平滑肌瘤、憩室、息肉等病变占3.76%。结论 秦氏隐血珠在上消化道肿瘤高发区高危人群中作为普查初筛手段确有重要实用价值;对临床判断有无上消化道炎性病变亦有重要参考价值,故值得进一步推广应用。


    Abstract: Objective Evaluating the occult blood bead on diagnoses of upper digestive tract diseases. Methods 24712 normal persons were screened by occult blood bead.Subsequent fibergastroscopy was performed for definite diagnosis in persons with positive results(++),(+++). Results 2568 positive persons were examined by fibergastroscopy.2015 of them(75.8%) were diagnosed as upper digestive tract inflammation.108 of them (4.06%) were diagnosed as the cancer.Surplus (3.76%) were patients with peptic ulcer,polypus et al. Conclusion Qin's occult blood bead in valuable to screen upper digestive tract cancer in the high-risk group.Moreover,occult blood bead is a more useful diagnostic parameter for upper digestive tract inflammation.


