

Clinical Analysis of Colonofiberscopic Examination

  • 摘要: 目的 探讨结肠镜检查对诊断结肠病变的临床意义。方法 对910例有下消化道症状就诊的患者进行了结肠镜检查。结果 肠粘膜炎性改变328例,溃疡性结肠炎24例,息肉79例,(腺瘤54例,增生性息肉25例),肠癌74例,未发现病变385例。在79例中发现并摘除息肉122枚,其中6例6枚息肉有局部恶变,电凝摘除后随访1年无异常。74例肠癌中DUCK 30例。结论 结肠镜检查是一种安全、敏感、费用不高、省时的方法,能发现癌前病变及早期癌,明显减少大肠癌的发病率和死亡率。


    Abstract: Objective Nine hundred and ten cases of lower alimentary tract patients were examined by colonofiberscope. Methods Of these, 328 cases were intestinal mucositis,24 ulcerated colitis,79 were polyposis (54 were adenoma and 25 cases were hyperplasia polyposis),74 intestinal carcinoma (30 carcinomas were finally graded Duke A).385 had no symtom and signs.One hundred and twenty two polyposis had been extracted from 79 patients.Of these patients,6 had pre-and local malignant change,after one year follow-up no abnormal had been seem. Conclusion we suggested that colonofiberscopic examination was a safty,sensitive,low expense and save time method for dectection the pre-and early stage of intistinal carcinoma,and may decrease the incidence and mortality rate of this disease.


