Analysis of Endoscopy and Clinical in Esophageal Cancer Patients Treated with Radiotherapy
摘要: 目的 探讨食管癌根治性放疗后内镜检查及疗效评价。方法 分析 45例食管癌根治性放疗后内镜检查的结果与临床有关资料。病灶部位 :食管上段 2 7例, 中段 13例, 下段 5例, 病灶长度 <3cm 8例, 3~ 5cm 12例, >5cm 2 5例。病理类型 :鳞癌 43例, 腺癌 2例, 采用直线加速器或6 0 Co等中心三野照射或四野照射。结果 45例经放疗后的食管癌患者, 内镜下食管粘膜炎症表现 2 8例, 未控 5例, 复发10例, 遗漏病灶 2例。结论 根治性放疗对早中期食管癌可得到较好效果。病变位于胸上段或颈段, 病变长度 <5cm, 照射量 50~ 70Gy范围, 内镜下以食管粘膜炎症表现的患者, 其疗效及生存率明显高于病变位于胸下段, 病变长度 >5cm, 内镜下表现管腔狭窄、溃疡、肿物, 照射量 <49Gy范围的患者Abstract: Objective To evaluate the efficacy of patients with esophageal cancer postradiotherapy by endoscope and clinical. Methods 45 patients with esophageal cancer were treated by radiotherapy. In 45 patients, there were 27 cases of upper, 13 of middle and 5 of lower with locating of tumor in esophagus,with x rag, there were 8 cases<3cm, 12 cases x 3 5cm and 25 cases>5cm of length in esophagus; 43 cases of squamous cell carcinoma and 2 cases of adenocarcinoma. All these patients were treated...