Objective To investigate the expression and correlation of ER、PR、C2erbB22 and P53 with the response of neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Methods The local advanced breast cancer patient s were under2 went core needle biop sy before they were given neoadjuvant chemotherapy of EC or TP. Expression of ER、PR、C2erbB22 and P53 were tested in 22 cases by immunohistochemical methods. Results The re2 sponse rate was 81. 8 %, including CR 22. 7 % and PR 59. 1 %, and the SD is 18. 2 %。There was a statit2 ical significance between expression of ER、PR 、C2erbB22 and the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. But there was no correlation between expression of ER、PR 、C2erbB22 and the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy. Conclusion There is a significant difference between expression of ER、PR 、C2erbB22 and the response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy, but we can't predict the response of neoadjuvant chemothera2 py. We need to do more research to separtate the CR and SD.