Clinicopathological Characteristics of Middle-Aged and Elderly Patients with Colorectal Polyps and Risk Factors of Adenomatous Polyps
方法选取我院行结肠镜检查发现的1 527例结直肠息肉患者为研究对象。收集患者社会人口学、生活饮食习惯、临床病史、实验室化验及内镜特征等资料,对比在不同病理类型息肉组间的差异。根据病理类型将结直肠息肉分为腺瘤组和非腺瘤组,进行多因素Logistic回归分析,探究上述因素对结直肠腺瘤发生的影响。
结果多因素Logistic回归分析显示,年龄更大(OR: 1.024, 95%CI: 1.001~1.048, P=0.044)、体重指数更高(OR: 1.046, 95%CI: 1.008~1.087, P=0.020)、吸烟史(OR: 1.493, 95%CI: 1.035~2.158, P=0.032)为结直肠腺瘤发生的独立危险因素。认知功能更好的患者发生结直肠腺瘤的风险低于认知功能较差者(OR: 0.929, 95%CI: 0.871~0.984, P=0.017)。在息肉病理特征方面,病变部位在直肠(OR: 0.396, 95%CI: 0.229~0.677, P=0.001)、平坦型(OR: 0.531, 95%CI: 0.342~0.810, P=0.004)或侧向发育型(OR: 0.306, 95%CI: 0.135~0.698, P=0.005)的息肉更可能为非腺瘤性息肉。随着息肉大小的增加,发生腺瘤性病理改变的可能性显著增加(OR: 1.063, 95%CI: 1.035~1.095, P<0.001)。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo determine the risk factors related to the occurrence of colorectal adenomatous polyps and provide a basis for early screening, diagnosis, and treatment of colorectal cancer.
MethodsA total of 1 527 cases of colorectal polyps detected by colonoscopy were selected as the research subjects. Data on sociodemographic information, lifestyle and dietary habits, clinical history, laboratory tests, and endoscopic characteristics were collected. The patients were divided into adenoma and non-adenoma groups based on the pathological type. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was conducted to explore the influence of the above factors on the occurrence of colorectal adenoma.
ResultsOld age (OR: 1.024, 95%CI: 1.001-1.048, P=0.044), high body mass index (OR: 1.046, 95%CI: 1.008-1.087, P=0.020), and a history of smoking (OR: 1.493, 95%CI: 1.035-2.158, P=0.032) were independent risk factors for the occurrence of colorectal adenoma. Patients with better cognitive function had a lower risk of developing colorectal adenoma than those with poorer cognitive function (OR: 0.929, 95%CI: 0.871-0.984, P=0.017). Polyps located in the rectum (OR: 0.396, 95%CI: 0.229-0.677, P=0.001) and those of flat type (OR: 0.531, 95%CI: 0.342-0.810, P=0.004) or laterally spreading type (OR: 0.306, 95%CI: 0.135-0.698, P=0.005) were more likely to be non-adenomatous polyps. The possibility of adenomatous pathological changes increased significantly with an increase in polyp size (OR: 1.063, 95%CI: 1.035-1.095, P<0.001).
ConclusionOld age, high body mass index, smoking history, and large polyp diameters are related with a high risk of adenoma in the patients with colorectal polyps. Patients who have satisfactory cognitive function, polyps located in the rectum and polyps of flat type or laterally spreading type are likely to have non-adenoma.
Key words:
- Colorectal polyps /
- Colorectal adenoma /
- Risk factors
0 引言
1 资料与方法
1.1 研究人群
1.2 数据收集
结肠镜检查前患者配合医生认真完成调查问卷的填写,内容包括患者姓名、年龄、性别、生活饮食习惯、慢性病史、简易精神状态评价量表(Mini-mental state examination, MMSE)等。身高和体重在内镜检查前规范测量,体重指数(Body mass index, BMI)由体重(kg)除以身高(m)的平方得出。高血压由患者自我报告的高血压病史确定。甘油三酯、血糖等空腹血液生化指标由医院检验科分析得出。益生菌是指食品中的活的有益微生物,包括双歧杆菌、乳杆菌、酪酸梭菌、布拉酵母菌、肠球菌、地衣芽孢杆菌和蜡样芽孢杆菌等。
1.3 统计学方法
数据采用R软件(4.2.2版)进行分析。正态分布的连续变量用均值和标准差表示,非正态分布的连续变量用中位数和四分位间距表示,计数资料数据用数量和百分比表示。多独立样本的组间比较时,分类变量采用卡方检验,正态分布的连续变量需采用方差分析,非正态分布的连续变量需采用Kruskal-Wallis检验。通过单因素及多因素Logistic回归分析对年龄、性别、BMI、生活饮食习惯、实验室数据、结肠镜病理检查结果等因素计算比值比(Odds ratio, OR)和95%CI。双侧P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 结直肠息肉临床病理特征分析
共有1 527例45岁以上的结直肠息肉患者被纳入分析。经病理确诊,其中炎性息肉264例(17.3%),增生性息肉262例(17.2%),锯齿状腺瘤39例(2.6%),管状腺瘤926例(60.6%),管状绒毛状腺瘤33例(2.2%),绒毛状腺瘤3例(0.2%)。各病理分组下的临床和病理特征见表1,其中年龄、BMI、吸烟史、饮酒史、益生菌服用习惯、MMSE评分、息肉部位、息肉形态、息肉长径在各组间的差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.05)。
表 1 不同病理类型的结直肠息肉患者的基线特征Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with colorectal polyps of different pathological typesTotal Inflammatory
adenomasTubular villous
adenomasP Number 1 527 264 262 39 926 33 3 Gender(n(%)) 0.141 Male 826(54.1) 127(48.1) 142(54.2) 24(61.5) 518(55.9) 14(42.4) 1(33.3) Female 701(45.9) 137(51.9) 120(45.8) 15(38.5) 408(44.1) 19(57.6) 2(66.7) Age, mean(SD) 69.85(5.23) 69.29(4.49) 69.28(5.65) 69.44(4.45) 70.15(5.35) 71.03(4.58) 71.00(0.00) 0.047 BMI, mean(SD)(kg/m2) 24.44(3.34) 24.19(3.41) 24.33(3.06) 23.54(3.05) 24.68(3.38) 21.87(2.61) 24.03(1.86) <0.001 Smoking history(n(%)) 0.001 No 1117 (73.1)217(82.2) 202(77.1) 28(71.8) 643(69.4) 25(75.8) 2(66.7) Yes 410(26.9) 47(17.8) 60(22.9) 11(28.2) 283(30.6) 8(24.2) 1(33.3) Drinking history(n(%)) <0.001 No 1086 (71.1)216(81.8) 195(74.4) 29(74.4) 621(67.1) 23(69.7) 2(66.7) Yes 441(28.9) 48(18.2) 67(25.6) 10(25.6) 305(32.9) 10(30.3) 1(33.3) Hypertension(n(%)) 0.277 No 797(52.2) 143(54.2) 152(58.0) 19(48.7) 466(50.3) 15(45.5) 2(66.7) Yes 730(47.8) 121(45.8) 110(42.0) 20(51.3) 460(49.7) 18(54.5) 1(33.3) Triglyceride, mean(SD)
(mmol/L)1.44(0.76) 1.47(0.78) 1.47(0.79) 1.31(0.67) 1.44(0.75) 1.24(0.59) 1.69(0.40) 0.469 Fasting blood glucose,
mean(SD)(mmol/L)5.67(1.33) 5.64(1.46) 5.85(1.19) 6.01(1.50) 5.62(1.31) 5.47(1.43) 5.66(0.16) 0.081 Eat cereal(n(%)) 0.835 ≥4 times per week 572(37.5) 95(36.0) 96(36.6) 17(43.6) 350(37.8) 12(36.4) 2(66.7) <4 times per week 955(62.5) 169(64.0) 166(63.4) 22(56.4) 576(62.2) 21(63.6) 1(33.3) Eat fresh vegetables (n(%)) 0.686 ≥4 times per week 1412 (92.5)250(94.7) 240(91.6) 35(89.7) 853(92.1) 31(93.9) 3(100.0) <4 times per week 115(7.5) 14(5.3) 22(8.4) 4(10.3) 73(7.9) 2(6.1) 0(0.0) Eat fresh fruits(n(%)) 0.72 ≥4 times per week 1223 (80.1)213(80.7) 215(82.1) 32(82.1) 736(79.5) 24(72.7) 3(100.0) <4 times per week 304(19.9) 51(19.3) 47(17.9) 7(17.9) 190(20.5) 9(27.3) 0(0.0) Eat probiotics(n(%)) 0.027 ≥4 times per week 1363 (89.3)242(91.7) 223(85.1) 36(92.3) 834(90.1) 26(78.8) 2(66.7) <4 times per week 164(10.7) 22(8.3) 39(14.9) 3(7.7) 92(9.9) 7(21.2) 1(33.3) MMSE score, mean(SD) 28.76(2.21) 28.96(1.60) 28.99(1.61) 28.33(2.04) 28.70(2.38) 27.67(4.45) 28.00(1.00) 0.008 Polyp location(n(%)) <0.001 Ileocecal region 98(6.4) 21(8.0) 11(4.2) 7(17.9) 55(5.9) 3(9.1) 1(33.3) Ascending colon 279(18.3) 52(19.7) 29(11.1) 12(30.8) 179(19.3) 7(21.2) 0(0.0) Transverse colon 429(28.1) 62(23.5) 50(19.1) 9(23.1) 301(32.5) 7(21.2) 0(0.0) Descending colon 214(14.0) 39(14.8) 26(9.9) 5(12.8) 141(15.2) 3(9.1) 0(0.0) Sigmoid colon 321(21.0) 46(17.4) 91(34.7) 2(5.1) 172(18.6) 9(27.3) 1(33.3) Rectum 186(12.2) 44(16.7) 55(21.0) 4(10.3) 78(8.4) 4(12.1) 1(33.3) Polyp shape(n(%)) <0.001 Pedicled polyp 141(9.2) 20(7.6) 19(7.3) 2(5.1) 91(9.8) 9(27.3) 0(0.0) Sessile polyp 544(35.6) 59(22.3) 77(29.4) 16(41.0) 377(40.7) 14(42.4) 1(33.3) Flat polyp 790(51.7) 173(65.5) 162(61.8) 13(33.3) 433(46.8) 7(21.2) 2(66.7) Laterally
developmental polyp52(3.4) 12(4.5) 4(1.5) 8(20.5) 25(2.7) 3(9.1) 0(0.0) Polyp diameter,
mean(SD)(mm)7.54(6.80) 7.25(8.44) 5.24(2.68) 12.49(10.47) 7.87(6.41) 13.43(11.41) 4.67(2.89) <0.001 2.2 腺瘤性息肉的危险因素分析
在Logistic回归模型中,性别、年龄、BMI、吸烟史、饮酒史、高血压史、空腹甘油三酯水平、空腹血糖水平、饮食习惯、MMSE评分、息肉的病理特点均纳入分析范围。单变量回归分析显示,年龄更大、吸烟史、饮酒史、高血压病史及息肉长径是腺瘤性息肉的危险因素,而高MMSE评分(更良好的认知水平)、息肉部位为直肠及息肉形态为平坦型为保护性因素。经多变量模型调整后,结果显示:年龄更大(OR: 1.024,95%CI: 1.001~1.048,P=0.044)、BMI水平更高(OR: 1.046,95%CI: 1.008~1.087,P=0.020)和有吸烟史(OR: 1.493,95%CI: 1.035~2.158,P=0.032)的患者的结直肠息肉为腺瘤的风险显著升高,而高MMSE评分所代表的具有更好认知功能的患者结直肠息肉为非腺瘤性的可能性更大(OR: 0.929,95% CI: 0.871~0.984,P=0.017)。在息肉病理特征方面,病变部位在直肠(OR: 0.396,95%CI: 0.229~0.677,P=0.001)、平坦型(OR: 0.531,95%CI: 0.342~0.810,P=0.004)或侧向发育型(OR: 0.306,95%CI: 0.135~0.698,P=0.005)的息肉更多为非腺瘤性息肉,随着息肉大小的增加,病理为腺瘤性息肉的可能性显著增加(OR: 1.063,95%CI: 1.035~1.095,P<0.001),见表2。
表 2 腺瘤组和非腺瘤组单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析Table 2 Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses of adenoma and non-adenoma groupsVariables Univariable model Multivariable model OR 95%CI P OR 95%CI P Gander (Female) 0.834 0.675-1.031 0.094 1.168 0.892-1.530 0.258 Age 1.032 1.011-1.053 0.002 1.024 1.001-1.048 0.044 BMI 1.026 0.994-1.060 0.118 1.046 1.008-1.087 0.020 Smoking history 1.700 1.325-2.193 <0.001 1.493 1.035-2.158 0.032 Drinking history 1.726 1.354-2.212 <0.001 1.264 0.881-1.815 0.204 Hypertension 1.269 1.027-1.570 0.028 0.896 0.700-1.145 0.379 Triglyceride (mmol/L) 0.929 0.811-1.067 0.294 0.875 0.746-1.028 0.101 Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L) 0.936 0.866-1.012 0.096 0.944 0.867-1.029 0.182 Eat cereal (<4 times per week) 0.928 0.745-1.154 0.502 0.888 0.695-1.132 0.339 Eat fresh vegetables (<4 times per week) 1.166 0.781-1.774 0.461 1.653 1.003-2.769 0.052 Eat fresh fruits (<4 times per week) 1.132 0.868-1.483 0.365 0.887 0.634-1.245 0.485 Eat probiotics (<4 times per week) 0.874 0.627-1.229 0.433 0.800 0.555-1.160 0.234 MMSE score 0.922 0.865-0.975 0.008 0.929 0.871-0.984 0.017 Polyp location (Ascending colon) 1.185 0.717-1.935 0.501 1.216 0.721-2.027 0.457 Polyp location (Transverse colon) 1.372 0.847-2.191 0.191 1.368 0.828-2.231 0.214 Polyp location (Descending colon) 1.111 0.661-1.849 0.686 1.194 0.693-2.039 0.518 Polyp location (Sigmoid colon) 0.651 0.401-1.042 0.078 0.686 0.412-1.126 0.141 Polyp location (Rectum) 0.426 0.253-0.706 0.001 0.396 0.229-0.677 0.001 Polyp shape (Sessile polyp) 1.147 0.750-1.729 0.519 1.141 0.725-1.772 0.562 Polyp shape (Flat polyp) 0.519 0.346-0.765 0.001 0.531 0.342-0.810 0.004 Polyp shape (Laterally spreading polyp) 0.860 0.434-1.753 0.671 0.306 0.135-0.698 0.005 Polyp diameter 1.063 1.040-1.090 <0.001 1.063 1.035-1.095 <0.001 3 讨论
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.利益冲突声明:所有作者均声明不存在利益冲突。作者贡献:程芮、龚芮:研究设计、文章撰写姜 维:数据整理、数据分析张澍田:研究指导、论文审阅、经费支持 -
表 1 不同病理类型的结直肠息肉患者的基线特征
Table 1 Baseline characteristics of patients with colorectal polyps of different pathological types
Total Inflammatory
adenomasTubular villous
adenomasP Number 1 527 264 262 39 926 33 3 Gender(n(%)) 0.141 Male 826(54.1) 127(48.1) 142(54.2) 24(61.5) 518(55.9) 14(42.4) 1(33.3) Female 701(45.9) 137(51.9) 120(45.8) 15(38.5) 408(44.1) 19(57.6) 2(66.7) Age, mean(SD) 69.85(5.23) 69.29(4.49) 69.28(5.65) 69.44(4.45) 70.15(5.35) 71.03(4.58) 71.00(0.00) 0.047 BMI, mean(SD)(kg/m2) 24.44(3.34) 24.19(3.41) 24.33(3.06) 23.54(3.05) 24.68(3.38) 21.87(2.61) 24.03(1.86) <0.001 Smoking history(n(%)) 0.001 No 1117 (73.1)217(82.2) 202(77.1) 28(71.8) 643(69.4) 25(75.8) 2(66.7) Yes 410(26.9) 47(17.8) 60(22.9) 11(28.2) 283(30.6) 8(24.2) 1(33.3) Drinking history(n(%)) <0.001 No 1086 (71.1)216(81.8) 195(74.4) 29(74.4) 621(67.1) 23(69.7) 2(66.7) Yes 441(28.9) 48(18.2) 67(25.6) 10(25.6) 305(32.9) 10(30.3) 1(33.3) Hypertension(n(%)) 0.277 No 797(52.2) 143(54.2) 152(58.0) 19(48.7) 466(50.3) 15(45.5) 2(66.7) Yes 730(47.8) 121(45.8) 110(42.0) 20(51.3) 460(49.7) 18(54.5) 1(33.3) Triglyceride, mean(SD)
(mmol/L)1.44(0.76) 1.47(0.78) 1.47(0.79) 1.31(0.67) 1.44(0.75) 1.24(0.59) 1.69(0.40) 0.469 Fasting blood glucose,
mean(SD)(mmol/L)5.67(1.33) 5.64(1.46) 5.85(1.19) 6.01(1.50) 5.62(1.31) 5.47(1.43) 5.66(0.16) 0.081 Eat cereal(n(%)) 0.835 ≥4 times per week 572(37.5) 95(36.0) 96(36.6) 17(43.6) 350(37.8) 12(36.4) 2(66.7) <4 times per week 955(62.5) 169(64.0) 166(63.4) 22(56.4) 576(62.2) 21(63.6) 1(33.3) Eat fresh vegetables (n(%)) 0.686 ≥4 times per week 1412 (92.5)250(94.7) 240(91.6) 35(89.7) 853(92.1) 31(93.9) 3(100.0) <4 times per week 115(7.5) 14(5.3) 22(8.4) 4(10.3) 73(7.9) 2(6.1) 0(0.0) Eat fresh fruits(n(%)) 0.72 ≥4 times per week 1223 (80.1)213(80.7) 215(82.1) 32(82.1) 736(79.5) 24(72.7) 3(100.0) <4 times per week 304(19.9) 51(19.3) 47(17.9) 7(17.9) 190(20.5) 9(27.3) 0(0.0) Eat probiotics(n(%)) 0.027 ≥4 times per week 1363 (89.3)242(91.7) 223(85.1) 36(92.3) 834(90.1) 26(78.8) 2(66.7) <4 times per week 164(10.7) 22(8.3) 39(14.9) 3(7.7) 92(9.9) 7(21.2) 1(33.3) MMSE score, mean(SD) 28.76(2.21) 28.96(1.60) 28.99(1.61) 28.33(2.04) 28.70(2.38) 27.67(4.45) 28.00(1.00) 0.008 Polyp location(n(%)) <0.001 Ileocecal region 98(6.4) 21(8.0) 11(4.2) 7(17.9) 55(5.9) 3(9.1) 1(33.3) Ascending colon 279(18.3) 52(19.7) 29(11.1) 12(30.8) 179(19.3) 7(21.2) 0(0.0) Transverse colon 429(28.1) 62(23.5) 50(19.1) 9(23.1) 301(32.5) 7(21.2) 0(0.0) Descending colon 214(14.0) 39(14.8) 26(9.9) 5(12.8) 141(15.2) 3(9.1) 0(0.0) Sigmoid colon 321(21.0) 46(17.4) 91(34.7) 2(5.1) 172(18.6) 9(27.3) 1(33.3) Rectum 186(12.2) 44(16.7) 55(21.0) 4(10.3) 78(8.4) 4(12.1) 1(33.3) Polyp shape(n(%)) <0.001 Pedicled polyp 141(9.2) 20(7.6) 19(7.3) 2(5.1) 91(9.8) 9(27.3) 0(0.0) Sessile polyp 544(35.6) 59(22.3) 77(29.4) 16(41.0) 377(40.7) 14(42.4) 1(33.3) Flat polyp 790(51.7) 173(65.5) 162(61.8) 13(33.3) 433(46.8) 7(21.2) 2(66.7) Laterally
developmental polyp52(3.4) 12(4.5) 4(1.5) 8(20.5) 25(2.7) 3(9.1) 0(0.0) Polyp diameter,
mean(SD)(mm)7.54(6.80) 7.25(8.44) 5.24(2.68) 12.49(10.47) 7.87(6.41) 13.43(11.41) 4.67(2.89) <0.001 表 2 腺瘤组和非腺瘤组单因素和多因素Logistic回归分析
Table 2 Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses of adenoma and non-adenoma groups
Variables Univariable model Multivariable model OR 95%CI P OR 95%CI P Gander (Female) 0.834 0.675-1.031 0.094 1.168 0.892-1.530 0.258 Age 1.032 1.011-1.053 0.002 1.024 1.001-1.048 0.044 BMI 1.026 0.994-1.060 0.118 1.046 1.008-1.087 0.020 Smoking history 1.700 1.325-2.193 <0.001 1.493 1.035-2.158 0.032 Drinking history 1.726 1.354-2.212 <0.001 1.264 0.881-1.815 0.204 Hypertension 1.269 1.027-1.570 0.028 0.896 0.700-1.145 0.379 Triglyceride (mmol/L) 0.929 0.811-1.067 0.294 0.875 0.746-1.028 0.101 Fasting blood glucose (mmol/L) 0.936 0.866-1.012 0.096 0.944 0.867-1.029 0.182 Eat cereal (<4 times per week) 0.928 0.745-1.154 0.502 0.888 0.695-1.132 0.339 Eat fresh vegetables (<4 times per week) 1.166 0.781-1.774 0.461 1.653 1.003-2.769 0.052 Eat fresh fruits (<4 times per week) 1.132 0.868-1.483 0.365 0.887 0.634-1.245 0.485 Eat probiotics (<4 times per week) 0.874 0.627-1.229 0.433 0.800 0.555-1.160 0.234 MMSE score 0.922 0.865-0.975 0.008 0.929 0.871-0.984 0.017 Polyp location (Ascending colon) 1.185 0.717-1.935 0.501 1.216 0.721-2.027 0.457 Polyp location (Transverse colon) 1.372 0.847-2.191 0.191 1.368 0.828-2.231 0.214 Polyp location (Descending colon) 1.111 0.661-1.849 0.686 1.194 0.693-2.039 0.518 Polyp location (Sigmoid colon) 0.651 0.401-1.042 0.078 0.686 0.412-1.126 0.141 Polyp location (Rectum) 0.426 0.253-0.706 0.001 0.396 0.229-0.677 0.001 Polyp shape (Sessile polyp) 1.147 0.750-1.729 0.519 1.141 0.725-1.772 0.562 Polyp shape (Flat polyp) 0.519 0.346-0.765 0.001 0.531 0.342-0.810 0.004 Polyp shape (Laterally spreading polyp) 0.860 0.434-1.753 0.671 0.306 0.135-0.698 0.005 Polyp diameter 1.063 1.040-1.090 <0.001 1.063 1.035-1.095 <0.001 -
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