

周洁丽, 武林娟, 张鹏天, 彭艳侠, 韩冬

周洁丽, 武林娟, 张鹏天, 彭艳侠, 韩冬. 基于超声影像组学及深度神经网络预测甲状腺乳头状癌pN分期[J]. 肿瘤防治研究, 2025, 52(2): 151-155. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0617
引用本文: 周洁丽, 武林娟, 张鹏天, 彭艳侠, 韩冬. 基于超声影像组学及深度神经网络预测甲状腺乳头状癌pN分期[J]. 肿瘤防治研究, 2025, 52(2): 151-155. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0617
ZHOU Jieli, WU Linjuan, ZHANG Pengtian, Peng Yanxia, HAN Dong. Prediction of pN Staging of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Ultrasonography Radiomics and Deep Neural Networks[J]. Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment, 2025, 52(2): 151-155. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0617
Citation: ZHOU Jieli, WU Linjuan, ZHANG Pengtian, Peng Yanxia, HAN Dong. Prediction of pN Staging of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Ultrasonography Radiomics and Deep Neural Networks[J]. Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment, 2025, 52(2): 151-155. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0617



    周洁丽,女,硕士,主治医师,主要从事甲状腺及心血管超声诊断临床研究,ORCID: 0009-0004-5953-4215


    韩冬,男,硕士,副主任医师,主要从事机器学习在医学影像中的应用研究,E-mail: hundnn@163.com, ORCID: 0000-0002-5888-5759

  • 中图分类号: R445.1;

Prediction of pN Staging of Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Using Ultrasonography Radiomics and Deep Neural Networks

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    回顾性收集经病理确诊的PTC患者375例(训练集261例,测试集114例)。将无颈部淋巴结转移定义为pN0,中央区淋巴结转移定义为pN1a,颈侧区淋巴结转移定义为pN1b。由超声科医师手动分割PTC的感兴趣区(ROI)并提取1 899个影像组学特征。采用最小绝对收缩与选择算子(LASSO)对上述影像组学特征进行降维。基于H2O深度学习平台在训练集构建预测PTC pN分期的DNN模型,并在测试集验证最优模型准确性。







    To assess the accuracy of pN staging prediction in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) using ultrasound radiomics and deep neural networks (DNN).


    A retrospective analysis was conducted on 375 patients with pathologically confirmed PTC, comprising 261 cases in the training set and 114 in the test set. Staging was categorized as pN0 (no cervical lymph node metastasis), pN1a (central neck lymph node metastasis), and pN1b (lateral neck lymph node metastasis). An ultrasound physician manually segmented the regions of interest (ROIs) for PTC, extracting 1899 radiomic features. Dimensionality reduction was performed using the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) regression. A DNN model for predicting PTC pN staging was developed using the H2O deep learning platform, trained on the training set, and validated on the test set to assess the accuracy of the optimal model.


    A total of 153 patients were in the pN0 stage, 131 patients in the pN1a stage, and 91 patients in the pN1b stage. LASSO regression selected 15 radiomic features for each PTC. The optimal DNN model, constructed using these 15 features, achieved accuracies of 85.82% on the training set and 81.57% on the test set.


    Ultrasound radiomics of PTC demonstrates high accuracy in predicting pN staging and shows potential for automating N staging in patients.


  • 甲状腺乳头状癌(Papillary thyroid carcinoma,PTC)作为分化型甲状腺癌(Differentiated thyroid cancer, DTC)最常见类型,远处转移率低,5年及10年生存率高。但当原发肿瘤很小且局限在甲状腺内时,常已有颈部淋巴结转移[1-4]。研究表明伴有淋巴结转移的PTC患者复发率高且生存率低[5-8]。颈部中央区淋巴结作为PTC淋巴结转移的第1站最为常见。但有28%~33%的术前影像学未检出中央区转移淋巴结,而在预防性中央区淋巴结清扫后发现有转移者达30%以上[9]。因此美国甲状腺协会(American Thyroid Association, ATA)指南建议在有效保留甲状旁腺和喉返神经的基础上行原发肿瘤同侧中央区淋巴结清扫。颈侧区淋巴结转移率低于中央区,切除该区转移淋巴结可降低PTC复发率和死亡率,因此推荐对影像学可疑颈侧区淋巴结转移的PTC患者行颈侧区淋巴结清扫[10-11]。也有文献指出不同pN分期的PTC患者有不同的复发风险[12]。因此颈部淋巴结转移状态及位置对PTC患者手术决策至关重要,同时也是其pN分期和复发危险分层的重要依据[13]

    超声检查对甲状腺的评估方便易行,性价比高。对颈部淋巴结转移的评价特异性高但敏感性低[14-16]。因此部分转移淋巴结在术前常未被发现。近年来,影像组学在肿瘤的分级分期、精确诊断及预后预测方面展现出巨大潜力[17]。再结合当前如火如荼的机器学习及深度学习技术强劲的非线性映射能力,在解决分类问题上有较好的表现。故本研究拟探讨基于超声影像组学联合深度学习技术预测PTC pN分期的诊断性能。


    超声检查采用GE LOGIQ E9及百胜-MyLab90超声诊断仪,探头频率3~11 MHz。检查时患者取平卧位,暴露颈前及颈侧区,扫查甲状腺及颈部淋巴结。检查完成后保存PTC最大长轴切面图。


    将PTC图像导入一款免费开源的影像图像分析软件ITK-Snap[18](版本3.4.0,http://www.itksnap.org/)。由一名超声科医师(5年超声诊断经验)手动分割PTC感兴趣区(Region of interest, ROI),分割完成后由另外一名超声科医师(6年超声诊断经验)修正上述ROI用于后续分析,见图1。进一步在uAI Research Portal平台(联影智能,中国上海)中提取PTC影像组学特征,包括7类特征:一阶特征、形状、灰度共生矩阵、灰度行程矩阵、灰度大小区域矩阵、灰度相关矩阵及邻域灰度差矩阵,以上影像组学特征符合《图像生物标志物标准化倡议》[19]

    图  1  超声科医师手动分割PTC的ROI
    Figure  1  ROI of PTC manually segmented by ultrasound physicians

    数据分析采用R语言(版本3.5.3,https://www.r-project.org)。训练集影像组学特征降维采用最小绝对收缩与选择算子(LASSO),采用交叉验证确定最优超参数(λ值)。降维后的影像组学特征采用H2O平台(基于R语言的深度学习平台,https://h2o.ai)构建预测PTC pN分期的深度神经网络(Deep neural network, DNN)模型。采用网格搜索确定DNN模型最优超参数,以对数损失函数(Logloss)作为损失函数。训练完成后,分别计算最优模型在训练集及测试集的准确性评价模型性能。以P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。


    表  1  PTC患者不同pN分期的一般资料比较
    Table  1  Comparison of general data of PTC patients with different pN staging
    Parameters pN0(n=153) pN1a(n=131) pN1b(n=91) χ2/F P
    Gender 0.785 0.675
    Female 135(88.2%) 111(84.7%) 78(85.7%)
    Male 18(11.8%) 20(15.3%) 13(14.3%)
    Age(years) 44.9±11.8 43.4±11.7 45.4±11.8 1.103 0.333
    Maximum diameter(mm) 17.0±9.8 16.6±9.0 15.2±9.2 0.899 0.408
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    每个PTC共提取1 899个影像组学特征,采用LASSO回归进行特征降维,经交叉验证确定最优λ值为0.05445745(lnλ= −2.910),见图2。最终共筛选出15个影像组学特征,其中一阶特征3个、形状特征2个、灰度共生矩阵特征7个、灰度行程矩阵特征2个、灰度大小区域矩阵特征1个,分别为original_firstorder_Kurtosis、original_firstorder_MeanAbsoluteDeviation、original_firstorder_Variance、original_shape_Elongation、original_shape_MaximumDiameter、original_glcm_Idmn、original_glcm_MaximumProbability、original_glcm_SumEntropy、original_glcm_DifferenceVariance、curvatureflow_glcm_Imc2、wavelet_glcm_wavelet-LLH-DifferenceVariance、wavelet_glcm_DifferenceAverage、wavelet_glrlm_wavelet-HLH-GrayLevelVariance、discretegaussian_glrlm_LowGrayLevelRunEmphasis及original_glszm_GrayLevelNonUniformity。

    图  2  甲状腺乳头状癌提取影像组学特征的LASSO回归交叉验证图及回归系数图
    Figure  2  Lasso regression cross-validation diagram and regression coefficient diagram for extracting radiomic features of papillary thyroid carcinoma
    A: optimal lnλ value determined by cross-validation (the lowest multinomial deviance); B: an increase in lnλ value causes a change in the radiomic feature coefficients; optimal lnλ value (vertical dashed line) corresponds to the number of radiomic features (upper horizontal axis).

    基于上述15个影像组学特征采用DNN建模,经网格搜索共生成100个神经网络模型,将准确性最高的模型作为最优模型。该模型在训练52回合收敛,学习率为0.01。其拓扑结构为:输入层包含15个神经元,即降维后的15个影像组学特征,输入神经元无丢弃;隐藏层为两层,每层分别包含5个神经元,激活函数为无丢弃的修正线性单元,两个隐藏层平均权重分别为−0.031427及−0.247374,平均截距为0.8218760.732502;输出层包含3个神经元,即PTC pN分期(pN0、 pN1a及pN1b),激活函数为Softmax,该层平均权重为0.722072,平均截距为−0.329600。结果显示,最优DNN模型在训练集准确性为85.82%,损失函数值为0.25。该模型在测试集准确性为81.57%,测试集损失函数值为0.28,见图3

    图  3  最优神经网络模型的预测值与真实值分别在训练集和测试集的混淆矩阵
    Figure  3  Confusion matrices of the predictive and true value of the optimal neural network model in the training and testing sets
    A: training set confusion matrix; B: test set confusion matrix.

    早期有研究者采用甲状腺癌的超声纹理特征或影像组学分析预测颈部淋巴结转移状态、颈侧区淋巴结(pN1b)转移状态的效能均较差[20-21]。但另外一项类似研究的AUC达到中等诊断效能为0.727 [22]。该团队在另一项研究中发现进一步联合普通B型超声和应变弹性成像的影像组学对PTC淋巴结转移的预测性能更高[23]。黄云霞等[24]研究结果也表明超声影像组学在预测Ⅵ区淋巴结转移的性能高于传统超声及CT。Jiang等[25]利用超声横波弹性成像的影像组学列线图预测颈部淋巴结转移的AUC达到了0.832(95%CI: 0.749~0.916)。以上诸多研究表明新超声成像方法较普通超声成像的影像组学在预测PTC患者N分期的二分类问题上有更高价值。因为新超声成像方法有更高的分辨率、对比度及功能性成像等优势,但新超声成像方法更依赖于操作者的经验和技巧,操作者间和设备间存在较强的异质性,会严重影响影像组学特征提取的准确性和分析结果[26]





    Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
    韩 冬:整理分析数据并建模
  • 图  1   超声科医师手动分割PTC的ROI

    Figure  1   ROI of PTC manually segmented by ultrasound physicians

    图  2   甲状腺乳头状癌提取影像组学特征的LASSO回归交叉验证图及回归系数图

    Figure  2   Lasso regression cross-validation diagram and regression coefficient diagram for extracting radiomic features of papillary thyroid carcinoma

    图  3   最优神经网络模型的预测值与真实值分别在训练集和测试集的混淆矩阵

    Figure  3   Confusion matrices of the predictive and true value of the optimal neural network model in the training and testing sets

    表  1   PTC患者不同pN分期的一般资料比较

    Table  1   Comparison of general data of PTC patients with different pN staging

    Parameters pN0(n=153) pN1a(n=131) pN1b(n=91) χ2/F P
    Gender 0.785 0.675
    Female 135(88.2%) 111(84.7%) 78(85.7%)
    Male 18(11.8%) 20(15.3%) 13(14.3%)
    Age(years) 44.9±11.8 43.4±11.7 45.4±11.8 1.103 0.333
    Maximum diameter(mm) 17.0±9.8 16.6±9.0 15.2±9.2 0.899 0.408
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