Serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 Expression in Patients with Esophageal Cancer and Their Association with Postoperative Lung Infection After Mediastinoscopy
结果38例术后肺部感染患者痰液中分离出52株菌株,其中革兰氏阴性菌35株(67.31%),革兰氏阳性菌14株(26.92%)以及真菌3株(5.77%)。感染组和未感染组长期吸烟史比较差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。感染组血清β2-MG、PSGL-1水平显著高于未感染组(P<0.05),sCHE水平显著低于未感染组(P<0.05)。肺部感染轻度、中度和重度组血清β2-MG、PSGL-1水平依次升高(P<0.05),sCHE水平依次降低(P<0.05)。长期吸烟史、β2-MG和PSGL-1为影响食管癌患者术后肺部感染的危险因素(P<0.05),sCHE为保护因素(P<0.05)。血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1评估食管癌患者术后肺部感染的AUC为0.807、0.845、0.800,三者联合评估食管癌患者术后肺部感染的AUC为0.954,三者联合优于单独评估(Z联合vs. β2-MG=2.576、Z联合vs. sCHE=2.623、Z联合vs. PSGL-1=2.574,均P<0.05)。
Abstract:ObjectiveTo investigate serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 expression in patients with esophageal cancer and their relationship to lung infection after mediastinoscopy.
MethodsA total of 118 patients with esophageal cancer were selected and divided into infected and uninfected groups according to whether they developed lung infection after surgery. An automatic microbiological identification system was used to detect the pathogenic bacteria of lung infection. ELISA was used to detect the levels of β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1. Multivariate logistic regression was used to analyze the influencing factors of postoperative lung infection in patients with esophageal cancer. ROC curves were plotted to analyze the assessment value of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 on postoperative lung infection.
ResultsFifty-two strains of bacteria were isolated from the sputum of 38 patients with postoperative lung infections, and these included 35 (67.31%) Gram-negative, 14 (26.92%) Gram-positive, and 3 (5.77%) fungal strains. The difference in long-term smoking history between the infected and uninfected groups was statistically significant (P<0.05). Serum β2-MG and PSGL-1 levels were significantly higher and sCHE levels were significantly lower in the infected group than in the uninfected group (P<0.05). Serum β2-MG and PSGL-1 levels were sequentially higher (P<0.05) and sCHE levels were sequentially lower (P<0.05) in the mild, moderate, and severe lung infection groups. Long-term smoking history, β2-MG, and PSGL-1 were risk factors affecting postoperative lung infection in patients with esophageal cancer (P<0.05), and sCHE was a protective factor (P<0.05). The AUCs of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 for assessing postoperative lung infections were 0.807, 0.845, and 0.800, respectively, and the AUC of the three combined factors for assessing postoperative lung infections was 0.954, which was superior to that assessed individually (Zcombination vs. β2-MG=2.576, Zcombination vs. sCHE=2.623, Zcombination vs. PSGL-1=2.574, all P<0.05).
ConclusionThe serum levels of β2-MG and PSGL-1 increase and the sCHE level decreases in patients with esophageal cancer and postoperative pulmonary infection, which are also related with lung infection. Combined testing can improve the evaluation value of postoperative pulmonary infection in patients.
0 引言
近年来食管癌发病率不断升高,其侵袭性强,死亡率也较高,食管癌早期症状不明显,容易被患者忽视,在确诊时往往已经是中晚期,中晚期已经出现进行性下咽困难,以致错过治疗的最佳时机,给患者家庭和生活带来沉重负担[1-2]。纵隔镜食管癌术可避免开胸、能缓解患者术后疼痛,成为临床治疗食管癌的新方法,但由于该手术操作时间长,带来的手术创伤也较大,从而肺部感染风险加大[3]。肺部感染是食管癌患者术后最常见的并发症,而且抗生素过度使用会提高病原菌耐药性,严重时引起肺部久治不愈,危及生命[4]。因此在临床寻找与患者术后肺部感染有关的标志物对改善患者预后尤为重要。β2微球蛋白(β2-microglobulin, β2-MG)水平在出现癌细胞增加以及正常细胞发生破坏时会显著升高,还参与肿瘤患者肺部感染的进展过程[5]。胆碱酯酶(serum cholinesterase, sCHE)是由肝脏细胞合成的水解酶,可反映肝脏的代谢以及合成功能,有研究发现其水平变化与肺部感染患者病情有关[6]。P选择素糖蛋白配体-1(P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1, PSGL-1)能激活下游趋化因子,促进其浸润肺泡间质组织,从而促进感染性疾病的进展[7]。目前关于血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1在食管癌患者术后肺部感染中的研究鲜有报道,因此本研究旨在探讨食管癌患者血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1表达及其与纵隔镜食管癌术后肺部感染的关系。
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料
1.2 方法
1.2.1 血清β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1的检测
采集入选者术前静脉血(空腹)5 ml,分离血清后取上清液,采用ELISA检测β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1水平,空白酶标板微孔中加入标准品和样品,两者均设置双孔检验,样品和标准孔中加入酶标记溶液,使用酶标仪(Multiskan FC,购自美国赛默飞世尔公司)检测吸光度值(波长450 nm),绘制标准品的标准曲线,然后计算血清β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1的浓度。操作步骤严格按照说明书进行(试剂盒购自武汉菲恩公司)。
1.2.2 病原菌的检测
患者术后3 d使用无菌0.9%氯化钠溶液漱口,采集3次痰液样本接种在培养基中,然后置于细菌培养仪(BACT/AKERT 3D)培养,使用全自动微生物鉴定系统(型号VITEK2 COMPACT,购自法国梅里埃公司)对病原菌进行检测。
1.2.3 肺部感染判断[9]
1.2.4 肺部感染程度判断[10]
肺部感染患者根据CURB-65评分进行分组,包含年龄≥65岁、意识障碍、血尿素氮>7 mmol/L、呼吸频率≥30次/min、收缩压或舒张压<90 mmHg或≤60 mmHg。满足其中一项为1分,分为轻度(0~1分)、中度(2~3分)、重度(4~5分)。
1.3 统计学方法
使用SPSS 25.0软件处理数据。计量资料均经过Shapiro-Wilk正态性检验,符合正态分布的计量资料以($ \bar x \pm {{s}} $)表示,采用t检验;多组间比较采用单因素方差分析,组间两两比较采用SNK-q检验;计数资料行χ2检验,用n表示;食管癌患者术后肺部感染的影响因素采用多因素Logistic回归分析;绘制ROC曲线分析血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1对食管癌患者术后肺部感染的评估价值,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。
2 结果
2.1 术后肺部感染病原菌分布情况
表 1 术后肺部感染病原菌分布情况Table 1 Distribution of pathogenic bacteria in postoperative lung infectionsBacteria Quantity (plants) Proportions (%) Gram-negative bacteria 35 67.31 Klebsiella pneumoniae 15 28.85 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10 19.23 Acinetobacter baumannii 5 9.62 Escherichia coli 3 5.77 Other 2 3.85 Gram-positive bacteria 14 26.92 Staphylococcus aureus 6 11.54 Hemolytic Staphylococcus 4 7.69 Enterococcus faecalis 3 5.77 Other 1 1.92 Fungi 3 5.77 Pseudomonas albicans 3 5.77 Total 52 100.00 2.2 感染组和未感染组患者一般资料的比较
表 2 感染组和未感染组患者一般资料的比较Table 2 Comparison of general information of patients between infected and uninfected groupsGeneral
informationInfected group
group(n=80)t/χ2 P Age(years) 63.12±5.38 64.16±5.37 0.982 0.328 Gender 0.038 0.845 Male 24(63.16) 52(65.00) Female 14(36.84) 28(35.00) BMI(kg/m2) 22.89±1.67 22.91±1.68 0.0681 0.952 Duration of
disease(years)7.81±2.67 7.24±2.64 1.092 0.277 Hypertension 9(23.68) 12(15.00) 1.328 0.249 Diabetes 12(31.58) 21(26.25) 0.363 0.547 Long history
of smoking20(52.63) 21(26.25) 7.908 0.005 Pathological type 0.301 0.583 Squamous
carcinoma32(84.21) 64(80.00) Adenocarcinoma 6(15.79) 16(20.00) Clinical staging 0.010 0.920 Ⅰ 12(31.58) 26(32.50) Ⅱ 26(68.42) 54(67.50) Tumour site 1.290 0.256 Upper/Middle
segments34(89.47) 65(81.25) Lower segments 4(10.53) 15(18.75) Surgical time(h) 0.420 0.517 ≤4 18(47.37) 43(53.75) >4 20(52.63) 37(46.25) Intraoperative
haemorrhage(ml)0.209 0.647 ≤500 29(76.32) 64(80.00) >500 9(23.68) 16(20.00) Note: BMI: body mass index. 2.3 感染组和未感染组患者血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1水平的比较
表 3 感染组和未感染组患者血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1水平的比较Table 3 Comparison of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 levels of patients between infected and uninfected groupsIndex Uninfected
group (n=80)Infected
group (n=38)t P β2-MG (μg/L) 3.09±0.86 4.60±0.88 8.846 <0.001 sCHE (kU/L) 4.20±0.89 2.96±0.56 7.871 <0.001 PSGL-1 (U/ml) 254.68±43.25 316.25±44.50 7.159 <0.001 Notes: β2-MG: β2-microglobulin; sCHE: serum cholinesterase; PSGL-1: P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1. 2.4 不同感染程度患者血清β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1水平的比较
表 4 不同感染程度患者血清β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1水平的比较Table 4 Comparison of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 levels by degree of infectionIndex Light group
(n=18)Medium group
(n=12)Heavy group
(n=8)F P β2-MG
(μg/L)3.68±0.75 4.96±0.86a 6.15±1.20ab 22.686 <0.001 sCHE
(kU/L)3.54±0.64 2.74±0.53a 2.03±0.41ab 21.118 <0.001 PSGL-1
(U/ml)286.54±40.21 320.74±46.37a 376.38±51.37ab 11.327 <0.001 Notes: a: P<0.05, compared with the light group; b: P<0.05, compared with the medium group. 2.5 食管癌患者术后肺部感染的影响因素分析
表 5 食管癌患者术后肺部感染的影响因素分析Table 5 Influencing factors of postoperative lung infection in patients with esophageal cancerFactors β SE Wald χ2 P OR 95%CI Long history
of smoking1.275 0.245 27.086 <0.001 3.579 2.214-5.785 β2-MG 1.436 0.356 16.266 <0.001 4.203 2.092-8.445 sCHE −0.667 0.301 4.917 0.027 0.513 0.284-0.925 PSGL-1 1.377 0.468 8.660 0.003 3.964 1.584-9.920 2.6 血清β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1对食管癌患者术后肺部感染的评估价值
ROC曲线结果显示,血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1评估食管癌患者术后肺部感染的AUC分别为0.807、0.845、0.800,三者联合评估食管癌患者术后肺部感染的AUC为0.954,三者联合优于单独评估(Z联合vs. β2-MG=2.576、Z联合vs. sCHE=2.623、Z联合vs. PSGL-1=2.574,均P<0.05),见图1、表6。
表 6 血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1评估食管癌患者术后肺部感染的价值Table 6 Value of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 in assessing postoperative lung infection in patients with esophageal cancerFactors AUC 95%CI Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Cut-off value β2-MG 0.807 0.724-0.889 76.24 79.57 4.102 μg/L sCHE 0.845 0.774-0.916 78.03 79.12 3.201 kU/L PSGL-1 0.800 0.701-0.900 80.34 77.31 303.142 U/ml Combination 0.954 0.913-0.996 96.26 75.27 - Note: -: no content. 3 讨论
Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.利益冲突声明:所有作者均声明不存在利益冲突。作者贡献:冯 雨:构思与设计及实施研究、统计学处理、数据收集与整理、撰写论文钱如林:文章质量控制与审查崔东、常超颖:数据收集与整理陈茂林:统计学处理、图表绘制 -
表 1 术后肺部感染病原菌分布情况
Table 1 Distribution of pathogenic bacteria in postoperative lung infections
Bacteria Quantity (plants) Proportions (%) Gram-negative bacteria 35 67.31 Klebsiella pneumoniae 15 28.85 Pseudomonas aeruginosa 10 19.23 Acinetobacter baumannii 5 9.62 Escherichia coli 3 5.77 Other 2 3.85 Gram-positive bacteria 14 26.92 Staphylococcus aureus 6 11.54 Hemolytic Staphylococcus 4 7.69 Enterococcus faecalis 3 5.77 Other 1 1.92 Fungi 3 5.77 Pseudomonas albicans 3 5.77 Total 52 100.00 表 2 感染组和未感染组患者一般资料的比较
Table 2 Comparison of general information of patients between infected and uninfected groups
informationInfected group
group(n=80)t/χ2 P Age(years) 63.12±5.38 64.16±5.37 0.982 0.328 Gender 0.038 0.845 Male 24(63.16) 52(65.00) Female 14(36.84) 28(35.00) BMI(kg/m2) 22.89±1.67 22.91±1.68 0.0681 0.952 Duration of
disease(years)7.81±2.67 7.24±2.64 1.092 0.277 Hypertension 9(23.68) 12(15.00) 1.328 0.249 Diabetes 12(31.58) 21(26.25) 0.363 0.547 Long history
of smoking20(52.63) 21(26.25) 7.908 0.005 Pathological type 0.301 0.583 Squamous
carcinoma32(84.21) 64(80.00) Adenocarcinoma 6(15.79) 16(20.00) Clinical staging 0.010 0.920 Ⅰ 12(31.58) 26(32.50) Ⅱ 26(68.42) 54(67.50) Tumour site 1.290 0.256 Upper/Middle
segments34(89.47) 65(81.25) Lower segments 4(10.53) 15(18.75) Surgical time(h) 0.420 0.517 ≤4 18(47.37) 43(53.75) >4 20(52.63) 37(46.25) Intraoperative
haemorrhage(ml)0.209 0.647 ≤500 29(76.32) 64(80.00) >500 9(23.68) 16(20.00) Note: BMI: body mass index. 表 3 感染组和未感染组患者血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1水平的比较
Table 3 Comparison of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 levels of patients between infected and uninfected groups
Index Uninfected
group (n=80)Infected
group (n=38)t P β2-MG (μg/L) 3.09±0.86 4.60±0.88 8.846 <0.001 sCHE (kU/L) 4.20±0.89 2.96±0.56 7.871 <0.001 PSGL-1 (U/ml) 254.68±43.25 316.25±44.50 7.159 <0.001 Notes: β2-MG: β2-microglobulin; sCHE: serum cholinesterase; PSGL-1: P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1. 表 4 不同感染程度患者血清β2-MG、sCHE和PSGL-1水平的比较
Table 4 Comparison of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 levels by degree of infection
Index Light group
(n=18)Medium group
(n=12)Heavy group
(n=8)F P β2-MG
(μg/L)3.68±0.75 4.96±0.86a 6.15±1.20ab 22.686 <0.001 sCHE
(kU/L)3.54±0.64 2.74±0.53a 2.03±0.41ab 21.118 <0.001 PSGL-1
(U/ml)286.54±40.21 320.74±46.37a 376.38±51.37ab 11.327 <0.001 Notes: a: P<0.05, compared with the light group; b: P<0.05, compared with the medium group. 表 5 食管癌患者术后肺部感染的影响因素分析
Table 5 Influencing factors of postoperative lung infection in patients with esophageal cancer
Factors β SE Wald χ2 P OR 95%CI Long history
of smoking1.275 0.245 27.086 <0.001 3.579 2.214-5.785 β2-MG 1.436 0.356 16.266 <0.001 4.203 2.092-8.445 sCHE −0.667 0.301 4.917 0.027 0.513 0.284-0.925 PSGL-1 1.377 0.468 8.660 0.003 3.964 1.584-9.920 表 6 血清β2-MG、sCHE、PSGL-1评估食管癌患者术后肺部感染的价值
Table 6 Value of serum β2-MG, sCHE, and PSGL-1 in assessing postoperative lung infection in patients with esophageal cancer
Factors AUC 95%CI Sensitivity (%) Specificity (%) Cut-off value β2-MG 0.807 0.724-0.889 76.24 79.57 4.102 μg/L sCHE 0.845 0.774-0.916 78.03 79.12 3.201 kU/L PSGL-1 0.800 0.701-0.900 80.34 77.31 303.142 U/ml Combination 0.954 0.913-0.996 96.26 75.27 - Note: -: no content. -
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