

何嘉伟, 曹龙女, 唐梦园, 崔洪全

何嘉伟, 曹龙女, 唐梦园, 崔洪全. 基于孟德尔随机化研究免疫细胞与胃癌发病风险的因果关系[J]. 肿瘤防治研究, 2025, 52(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0438
引用本文: 何嘉伟, 曹龙女, 唐梦园, 崔洪全. 基于孟德尔随机化研究免疫细胞与胃癌发病风险的因果关系[J]. 肿瘤防治研究, 2025, 52(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0438
HE Jiawei, CAO Longnyu, TANG Mengyuan, CUI Hongquan. Causal Relationships Between Immune Cells and Risk of Gastric Cancer: A Mendelian Randomization Study[J]. Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment, 2025, 52(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0438
Citation: HE Jiawei, CAO Longnyu, TANG Mengyuan, CUI Hongquan. Causal Relationships Between Immune Cells and Risk of Gastric Cancer: A Mendelian Randomization Study[J]. Cancer Research on Prevention and Treatment, 2025, 52(2): 172-176. DOI: 10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2025.24.0438


基金项目: 苏州市科技局指导性课题(SYSD2021075)

    何嘉伟,男,硕士在读,主要从事胃肠道肿瘤的病因研究及综合治疗,ORCID: 1009-1003-1705-1479


    崔洪全,男,硕士,副主任医师,主要从事胃癌及结直肠癌等消化道肿瘤的综合治疗,E-mail: 317791773@qq.com,ORCID: 1009-1004-1218-1165

  • 中图分类号: R735.2

Causal Relationships Between Immune Cells and Risk of Gastric Cancer: A Mendelian Randomization Study

Funding: Guidance Research Project of Suzhou Science and Technology Bureau (No. SYSD2021075)
More Information
  • 摘要:



    利用双向两样本孟德尔随机化(MR)分析,从GWAS数据集中选取涉及731种免疫细胞表型的遗传变异作为工具变量。采用逆方差加权法(IVW)、加权中位数法(WM)以及MR-Egger回归进行随机化分析,并运用Cochran Q检验、MR-Egger回归、MR-PRESSO法、留一法进行敏感性分析。


    特定免疫细胞表型IgD+ B细胞和CD14- CD16- 细胞绝对计数的变化与胃癌风险显著相关。例如,IgD+ B细胞的比例降低与胃癌风险降低相关(OR=0.86,95%CI: 0.79~0.94),而CD4-CD8- T细胞数量增加则与风险增加相关(OR=1.2,95%CI: 1.1~1.3)。





    To analyze the causal relationship between immune cell phenotype and gastric cancer.


    Bidirectional two-sample Mendelian randomization (MR) analysis was used to select 731 genetic variants involving immune cell phenotypes from the GWAS dataset as instrumental variables. Inverse-variance weighting method (IVW), weighted median method (WM), and MR-Egger regression were used for sensitivity analysis. Cochran Q test, MR-Egger regression, MR-PRESSO method, and remain-one method were also conducted.


    Changes in the absolute count of IgD+ B cells and CD14-CD16- cells were significantly associated with the risk of gastric cancer. A lower proportion of IgD+ B cells was associated with a lower risk of gastric cancer (OR=0.86, 95%CI: 0.79-0.94), while an increased number of CD4-CD8-T cells was associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer (OR=1.2, 95%CI: 1.1-1.3).


    A causal relationship exists between immune cell phenotype and the risk of gastric cancer. Changes in specific immune markers may regulate the development of gastric cancer by affecting the tumor microenvironment.


  • 胃癌(Gastric cancer, GC)作为全球范围内高发的恶性肿瘤之一,其5年生存率不足30%,是癌症相关死亡的重要疾病[1-2]。肿瘤免疫微环境(Tumor microenvironment, TME)以对精确诊断和个体化免疫治疗带来的影响而备受关注[3]。免疫治疗通过激活宿主天然防御系统来识别和清除肿瘤细胞,为胃癌治疗提供了新的希望[4]。然而,胃癌的复杂性和免疫系统的多样性使治疗效果存在差异,因此深入理解免疫细胞在胃癌发展和治疗中的作用机制至关重要。

    本研究采用孟德尔随机化(Mendelian randomization, MR)分析方法,旨在阐明免疫细胞表型与胃癌之间的因果关系,为胃癌的预防和治疗提供新的思路和策略。


    胃癌数据集(ebi-a-GCST90011849)从GWAS数据库(https://gwas.mrcieu.ac.uk/)获取,包含476 116名具有欧洲血统的样本(其中1 029例为胃癌样本,475 087例为对照样本),涉及24 188 662个单核苷酸多态性位点(Single-nucleotide polymorphisms, SNPs)。






    为了评估结果的异质性和多效性,我们运用了多种方法。通过Cochran’s Q test进行异质性检验[12]。多效性则通过MR-PRESSO检验与MR-Egger回归截距项(MR-Egger intercept)来评估,当P>0.05时,表明结果不存在异质性或多效性[13]。此外,使用留一法对单个及整体效应的异质性进行分析。本研究主要在R软件(4.2.1版本)中的Two Sample MR软件包中完成。


    采用两样本MR分析,以IVW作为主要分析手段,探究免疫细胞表型与胃癌之间的因果关系。以PFDR<0.05作为判定条件时,四种免疫表型与胃癌具有因果关联。其中IgD on IgD+ B细胞、CD14- CD16- 绝对计数以及IgD+ CD24- B细胞占淋巴细胞百分比的降低与胃癌风险减少有关,而CD4-CD8- T细胞绝对计数的升高则与胃癌风险增加相关,见图1。WM和MR-Egger回归等免疫细胞表型的MR分析方法得出的结论与IVW结果基本一致。

    图  1  免疫细胞表型对GC影响的MR结果森林图
    Figure  1  Forest plot of MR results for the effect of immune cell phenotypes on gastric cancer (GC)
    IVW: inverse variance weighted; SNPs: single nucleotide polymorphisms; OR: odds ratios; CI: confidence intervals; FDR: false discovery rate.


    图  2  GC对免疫细胞表型影响的MR结果森林图
    Figure  2  Forest plot of MR results for effect of GC on immune cell phenotypes

    在针对异质性与多效性的检验中,Cochran Q检验结果显示,与上述四种免疫细胞表型高度相关的SNP间不存在异质性(P>0.05)。MR-Egger回归的截距项分析表明,这些SNP不存在水平多效性(P>0.05)。MR-PRESSO法分析未发现与上述四种免疫细胞表型高度相关的SNP存在离群值(P>0.05),见表1。此外,留一法分析结果显示,在剔除任何一个SNP后,MR分析结果均保持稳定,无明显改变,见图3

    表  1  Cochran Q检验、MR-Egger回归、MR-PRESSO法分析结果
    Table  1  Results of Cochran's Q test, MR-Egger regression, and MR-PRESSO analysis
    Exposure Cochran′s Q MR-Egger MR-PRESSO
    Method Q P Egger intercept P Causal estimate P
    IgD on IgD+ B cell IVW 15.43 0.16 0.03 0.20 −0.15 0.19
    CD4-CD8- T cell Absolute Count IVW 11.10 0.44 −0.01 0.64 0.18 0.51
    CD14- CD16- Absolute Count IVW 13.02 0.45 −0.01 0.17 −0.03 0.53
    IgD+ CD24- B cell %lymphocyte IVW 13.61 0.56 0.02 0.49 −0.15 0.59
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    图  3  免疫细胞与胃癌发病风险负向因果关联的留一法分析结果
    Figure  3  Leave-one-out analysis results of negative casual relationship between immune cells and risk of gastric cancer
    A: IgD on IgD+ B cell; B: CD4-CD8- T cell Absolute Count; C: CD14- CD16- Absolute Count; D: IgD+ CD24- B cell %lymphocyte.




    具体而言,本研究发现IgD+ CD24− B细胞淋巴细胞百分比的增加与胃癌风险降低之间存在密切关联。而CD24在胃癌组织中高表达,促进细胞增殖、侵袭、转移,可能通过激活STAT3、上调钙黏蛋白、纤维连接蛋白、维生素D受体及介导EGF/EGFR信号发挥作用[16]。研究显示,CD24与非萎缩性胃炎到胃癌的病变进程相关[17],并与Hp感染有关[18-20]

    研究结果显示,CD4− CD8− T细胞绝对计数的升高则与胃癌风险增加有关。CD4− CD8−双阴性T细胞是外周T细胞的稀有亚群,其已被证明不仅存在于外周血中,还浸润到实体瘤中,如非小细胞肺癌、肝癌、神经胶质瘤和胰腺瘤[21-22]。此外,黑色素瘤患者淋巴结中CD4− CD8− T细胞数量与疾病进展相关[23]

    值得注意的是,我们还观察到IgD在IgD+ B细胞上的表达水平与胃癌风险之间的负相关[24]。而在某些疾病状态下,例如胃癌,IgD的表达水平相较正常组织会有所变化[25]。本研究发现IgD在IgD+ B细胞的升高可以降低胃癌的发病风险。


    Competing interests: The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
  • 图  1   免疫细胞表型对GC影响的MR结果森林图

    Figure  1   Forest plot of MR results for the effect of immune cell phenotypes on gastric cancer (GC)

    图  2   GC对免疫细胞表型影响的MR结果森林图

    Figure  2   Forest plot of MR results for effect of GC on immune cell phenotypes

    图  3   免疫细胞与胃癌发病风险负向因果关联的留一法分析结果

    Figure  3   Leave-one-out analysis results of negative casual relationship between immune cells and risk of gastric cancer

    表  1   Cochran Q检验、MR-Egger回归、MR-PRESSO法分析结果

    Table  1   Results of Cochran's Q test, MR-Egger regression, and MR-PRESSO analysis

    Exposure Cochran′s Q MR-Egger MR-PRESSO
    Method Q P Egger intercept P Causal estimate P
    IgD on IgD+ B cell IVW 15.43 0.16 0.03 0.20 −0.15 0.19
    CD4-CD8- T cell Absolute Count IVW 11.10 0.44 −0.01 0.64 0.18 0.51
    CD14- CD16- Absolute Count IVW 13.02 0.45 −0.01 0.17 −0.03 0.53
    IgD+ CD24- B cell %lymphocyte IVW 13.61 0.56 0.02 0.49 −0.15 0.59
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