

Current Status and Time Trends of Cancer Incidence and Mortality Worldwide

  • 摘要: 癌症作为全球第二大常见死亡原因,已成为当前全球共同面对的持续性公共卫生挑战。不同国家和地区、不同癌症类型的发病率和死亡率具有一定差异,这与经济发展水平、生活方式和环境因素等密切相关。已有大量流行病学研究集中在癌症负担、流行模式、病因学及其预防等方面,这对于国家制定以医学证据为基础的癌症防治方针和政策以及保护人口健康至关重要。因此,本文综合最新的流行病学文献,对世界主要国家和地区的癌症发病与死亡情况及变化趋势进行综述。


    Abstract: As the second most common cause of death in the world, cancer has become a persistent public health challenge. The incidence and mortality in different countries and regions or of multiple cancer types are significantly different, which is closely related to economic development level, lifestyle and environmental factors. A large number of epidemiological studies have focused on cancer burden, epidemic pattern, etiology and prevention, which is very important for the government to formulate cancer prevention policies based on medical evidence and protect population health. Therefore, based on the latest epidemiological publications, this paper reviews the incidence and mortality of cancer as well as the time trend in major countries and areas.


