

Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province, 2015

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析2015年常州市恶性肿瘤发病、死亡情况,为该市恶性肿瘤的防控策略提供重要数据支持。
    方法 利用2015年常州市肿瘤登记和随访的数据,计算全市恶性肿瘤粗发病/死亡率、年龄别发病/死亡率、中国人口标化发病/死亡率(中标率)、0~74岁累积发病/死亡率(累积发病/死亡率)以及前10位恶性肿瘤的发病和死亡顺位及其构成等。中国人口标化率采用2000年中国普查标准人口构成进行推算。
    结果 全市恶性肿瘤登记地区2015年新发病例13 419例,恶性肿瘤粗发病率为361.78/10万,标化发病率259.58/10万;男性标化发病率283.44/10万,女性标化发病率232.35/10万。2015年恶性肿瘤死亡率为218.48/10万,标化死亡率为145.65/10万,男性183.99/10万,女性104.69/10万。恶性肿瘤发病顺位中,胃癌居第一位,其次为肺癌、结直肠癌、食管癌和肝癌;男性恶性肿瘤发病第一位的是胃癌,女性恶性肿瘤发病第一位的是乳腺癌。恶性肿瘤死亡顺位中,不论性别,肺癌均居第一顺位。
    结论 常州市恶性肿瘤的发病和死亡率均呈现较高水平,应积极探索多种防治措施,降低该市恶性肿瘤的发病率和死亡率。


    Objective To analyze the incidence and mortality of cancer in Changzhou city, Jiangsu Province, China in 2015, to provide important data for the study of prevention and control strategy of cancers.
    Methods Based on the data of cancer registration and follow-up in Changzhou city in 2015, we calculated the crude incidence/mortality rates, the age-specific incidence/mortality rate, age-standardized incidence/mortality, cumulative incidence/mortality rate (0-74 age years old) as well as the rank and the constitution of top 10 cancers. The age-standardized incidence/mortality was calculated and adjusted by the Chinese population census in 2000.
    Results A total of 13419 new cancer cases in 2015 were collected. The crude incidence of cancer was 361.78/105, and the age-standardized incidence was 259.58/105 in total population, 283.44/105 in males and 232.35/105 in females. The mortality of cancer was 218.48/105, and the age-standardized mortalities were 145.65/105 in total population, 183.99/105 in males and 104.69/105 in females. The incidence of gastric cancer ranked the first, followed by lung cancer, colorectal cancer, esophageal cancer and liver cancer. The incidence of gastric cancer ranked the first in males, and breast cancer ranked the first in females. The mortality of lung cancer ranked the first in both males and females.
    Conclusion The incidence and mortality of malignant tumors are relatively high in Changzhou city. We should explore the appropriate prevention methods to reduce the cancer incidence and mortality in Changzhou city.


