

Understanding and Thinking About Key Scientific Issues in Esophageal Cancer Research

  • 摘要: 河南医疗队从1959年11月进驻河南林县(现林州市)开展食管癌高发现场防治研究至今已60年。60年来,河南三代医学专家前仆后继,坚持林县食管癌高发现场防治和实验室研究相结合,在食管癌发生分子机制和早期发现、癌前病变干预和防治方法等方面取得了一系列举世瞩目的科研成果,造福万千患者。本文基于笔者课题组34年食管癌防治研究实践,重点阐述对中国食管癌流行特征、关键科学问题和重要研究方向等的理解和思考,为食管癌防治研究同道提供参考。


    Abstract: He'nan Medical Team has stationed in Lin county(now Linzhou City) of He'nan Province for 60 years since November 1959 to carry out prevention and treatment research on high incidence of esophageal cancer. In the past 60 years, three generations of medical experts in He'nan Province have made a series of remarkable scientific research achievements in the molecular mechanism and early detection of esophageal cancer, intervention and prevention methods of precancerous lesions, and benefited thousands of patients. Based on the 34-year research of esophageal cancer prevention and treatment in our research group, this paper focuses on the understanding and thinking about the epidemic characteristics, key scientific issues and important research directions of esophageal cancer in China, so as to provide a reference for the prevention and treatment of esophageal cancer.


