

Screening Results of Cervical and Breast Cancers in Women Aged 30-64 Years in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province

  • 摘要:
    目的 了解现阶段湖北省襄阳市妇女宫颈癌和乳腺癌(“两癌”)流行情况及其发病的影响因素。
    方法 对襄阳市辖区内30~64岁已婚妇女进行问卷调查,收集一般人口学信息、疾病既往史、家族肿瘤史、月经生育史及妇科疾病患病情况等资料。宫颈癌筛查采用高危型HPV初筛,结合液基薄层细胞学检查、阴道镜和病理学检查的逐级筛查手段开展。乳腺癌筛查采用视诊、触诊和彩色多普勒超声进行初筛,结合乳腺钼靶X线及病理学检查的逐级筛查手段开展。
    结果 2017年全市共有318 067名30~64岁妇女参与了“两癌”筛查,检出非HPV生殖道感染91 143例(28.66%); 子宫良性疾病44 736例(14.06%); 宫颈癌前病变826例(259.69/10万),其中CINⅡ 385例,CINⅢ 425例,原位腺癌16例; 检出宫颈癌79例(24.84/10万),其中微小浸润癌18例,浸润癌61例; 检出良性乳腺疾病44 097例(13.86%); 检出乳腺癌80例(25.27/10万)。影响因素分析提示:年龄、宫颈癌家族史、多孕、绝经年龄较晚和生殖道感染可能为宫颈癌的危险因素,而年龄、较高文化程度和乳腺癌家族史则可能为乳腺癌的危险因素。
    结论 襄阳市妇女“两癌”发病处于中等水平,定期的筛查和积极控制高危因素,对“两癌”的防治意义重大。


    Objective To understand the current prevalence of cervical and breast cancers and their influencing factors in women aged 30-64 years in Xiangyang city.
    Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information of demographic characteristics, past medical history, family tumor history, menstrual and reproductive history and the prevalence of common gynecological diseases among married women aged 30-64 years in Xiangyang. Cervical cancer screening was performed primarily by high-risk HPV typing detection, followed by Thinprep cytologic test, colposcopy and pathological examination. Breast cancer screening was performed through visual inspection, palpation and color Doppler ultrasonography, followed by X-ray mammography and pathological examination.
    Results A total of 318067 women participated in the screening in 2017, among which 91143(28.66%) cases had non-HPV genital tract infection and 91143(28.66%) cases had benign uterine disease; 826(259.69/105) cases had cervical precancerous lesions, including 385 cases of CINⅡ, 425 cases of CINⅢ and 16 cases of adenocarcinoma in situ; 79(24.84/105) cases were cervical cancer, including 18 cases of microinvasive carcinoma and 61 cases of invasive cancer; 44097(13.86%) cases had benign breast disease and 80(25.27/105) cases were breast cancer. Multivariate regression analysis indicated that age, family history of cervical cancer, multiple pregnancies, delayed menopause and reproductive tract infection may be risk factors for cervical cancer, while age, high level of education and family history may be risk factors for breast cancer.
    Conclusion The incidence of cervical and breast cancers in Xiangyang city is at a moderate level. Regular screening and active control of high-risk factors are of great significance to the prevention and treatment of cervical and breast cancers.


