

Comparison of Development Mechanism Between Chinese and World-renowned Cancer Societies

  • 摘要: 建设世界一流科技社团是中国科协提出的改革理念。本文以肿瘤科技社团为研究对象,选取中国抗癌协会、美国临床肿瘤学会、美国癌症研究学会和国际抗癌联盟四家有代表性的单位,通过文献研究、比较分析法从外部环境和内部治理两方面探究国内外肿瘤科技社团在运行模式和治理体制上存在的共性和差异性,并基于此探寻我国建设世界一流肿瘤科技社团的可行路径。


    Abstract: Developing the world-renowned leading science associations is the reform idea proposed by China Association for Science and Technology. We choose China Anti-Cancer Association, American Clinical Oncology Society, American Association for Cancer Research and Union for International Cancer Control as research subjects to analyze the common points and the differences of operational model and governance system using the method of literature review and comparative analytical approach. Based on the study, this article explores a feasible way to achieve the purpose of establishing the world-renowned cancer societies in China.


