

Breast Cancer Incidence and Mortality in Hubei Province, 2012

  • 摘要:
    目的 分析2012年湖北省肿瘤登记点数据,了解湖北省乳腺癌的发病与死亡情况。
    方法 根据湖北省7个肿瘤登记点收集的乳腺癌登记资料,按照地区、性别、年龄及肿瘤登记点分层,统计分析2012年湖北省乳腺癌发病率、分布与死亡情况的流行病学特征。
    结果 2012年湖北省7个肿瘤登记点共报告1 830例新发乳腺癌病例,其中女性1 809例(98.85%),占女性恶性肿瘤新发病例的16.75%;乳腺癌死亡443例,其中女性433例(97.74%),占女性恶性肿瘤死亡病例的8.31%;女性乳腺癌粗发病率为44.81/10万,其中城市地区发病率为62.53/10万,农村地区为27.46/10万;粗死亡率为10.73/10万,城市地区为14.57/10万,农村地区为6.96/10万。女性恶性肿瘤中乳腺癌发病率居第一位,死亡率居第5位。女性乳腺癌年龄别发病率呈60~64岁组和75~79岁组双峰分布;死亡率方面,0~59岁随着年龄增加而升高,59岁以后缓慢下降,74岁以后迅速上升。
    结论 湖北省肿瘤登记地区乳腺癌发病率与死亡率与同期全国数据之间存在差异,根据这些差异,为政府及相关部门制定乳腺癌防控策略及规划提供可靠的依据。


    Objective To analyse breast cancer incidence and mortality based on the data of Hubei cancer registries in 2012.
    Methods According to the breast cancer data collected from seven Hubei cancer registries, descriptive analysis included Hubei breast cancer incidence, distribution and mortality in 2012 stratified by areas, gender, age and cancer site.
    Results A total of 1830 cases of newly diagnosed breast cancers were reported in seven Hubei registries, including 1809(98.85%) female patients, accounting for 16.75% of female cancers; 443 cases breast cancer deaths, including 433(97.74%) cases of female breast cancer deaths, accounting for 8.31% of female cancer deaths. The crude incidence of female breast cancer was 44.81 per 10 million, among which, urban areas was 62.53 per 10 million and rural areas was 27.46 per 10 million; mortality was 10.73 per 10 million, among which, urban areas was 14.57 per 10 million and rural areas was 6.96 per million. Breast cancer incidence was the highest among female cancers, and the breast cancer mortality ranked as the fifth among female cancers. Female breast cancer incidence was bimodal distribution of 60-64 and 75-79 year-old groups; mortality increased within 0-59 years old and decreased slowly after 59 years old, then rapidly rose after 74 years old.
    Conclusion There is a significant difference of the breast cancer incidence and mortality between the annual Hubei Province's data and annual national data, providing a reliable basis according to which the government and the relational department could formulate prevention and control strategies and planning.


