

Potential Therapeutic Uses of NEK2 in Cancers

  • 摘要: 中心体相关激酶2(NIMA related kinase 2, NEK2)是细胞周期调控蛋白激酶(Never in mitosis A, NIMA)家族中的一个成员,在有丝分裂过程中发挥着重要的作用。NEK2异常表达造成的染色体不稳定性,是引发肿瘤的重要原因。同时,NEK2在人类肿瘤中普遍存在高表达的现象,使其可能成为癌症检测的一个重要标志,并且存在以NEK2作为治疗靶点的潜在可能性。本文对NEK2与癌症治疗相关研究的新进展进行综述。


    Abstract: NEK2 is a member of the never in mitosis A (NIMA)-related kinases family which is a kind of cyclin, playing an important role in the process of mitosis. It had been demonstrated that abnormal expression of NEK2 could promote tumorigenesis. At the same time, NEK2 exhibits elevated expression in a wide variety of human tumors. According the all above, NEK2 could become an important signal in diagnosis of cancer and a potential target in tumor therapy. In this paper, we will summarize the role of NEK2 in human cancer aiming at new strategies for cancer treatment.


