

Advances of BRCA1/2 Large Rearrangement in Breast Cancer

  • 摘要: 乳腺癌是女性最常见的恶性肿瘤,BRCA1与BRCA2是乳腺癌最重要的易感基因,携带BRCA1/2胚系突变的女性,其乳腺癌的终身患病风险显著增高。BRCA1/2致病性突变多为单个或数个碱基改变引起的移码突变和无义突变,但常规的Sanger测序筛查方法尚不足以发现BRCA1/2其他胚系缺陷类型,如大片段重排。随着基因检测方法的进步,多种BRCA1/2基因重排被发现,在遗传性乳腺癌家族接受常规BRCA1/2基因测序未发现突变的情况下,应认真考虑检测大片段重排,以免漏诊。


    Abstract: Breast cancer is the most frequent female malignant tumor. BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are important susceptibility genes of breast cancer. Mutations in BRCA1/2 genes lead to an increased risk of breast cancer in life-span. The most common mutations in BRCA1/2 genes are frameshift and nonsense mutations involving in one or several bases by Sanger-sequencing. However, large rearrangements of BRCA1/2 genes are hardly detected by conventional Sanger-sequencing. With the progress of gene detection technology, multiple BRCA1/2 gene rearrangements have been found, we need to take the large rearrangement into consideration when no mutation is found in traditional BRCA1/2 gene sequencing on the family of hereditary breast cancer, in order to avoid missed diagnosis.


