

Subcelluar Localization of p27kip1 and Tumour

  • 摘要: p27kip1是一种广谱的细胞周期蛋白依赖激酶(cyclin-dependent kinases,CDKs)抑制剂,主要通过抑制CDK的活性,来阻断细胞周期中G1/S期的转换,从而实现对细胞周期的负调控。p27kip1基因除了作为抑癌基因还有致瘤的潜能。这种双向性又在其亚细胞定位中体现,p27kip1多个位点的磷酸化参与p27 kip1亚细胞定位的调控。这些研究可能对肿瘤的预后提示和治疗方面具有重要意义。本文就p27kip1亚细胞定位在肿瘤研究中的作用、磷酸化对p27kip1亚细胞定位的影响及p27kip1的研究对肿瘤治疗及预后方面的影响进行综述。


    Abstract: p27kip1 is a versatile cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, which blocks the G1/S conversion and negatively regulates cell cycle by inhibiting CDK activity. p27kip1 gene has been shown to play dual roles to both promote and inhibit oncogenesis. This double-sided nature of p27kip1 is also reflected in its subcellular localization, which is regulated by phosphorylation at multiple sites. Such knowledge might be of prognostic value and offer novel therapeutic windows. This paper summarizes the role of p27kip1 subcelluar localization in tumor researches, the effect of phosphorylation on p27kip1 subcelluar localization and the value of p27kip1 in tumor therapies and prognosis.


