Objective To screen the differentially-expressed lncRNA and analyze its expression in colon cancer. Methods The publicly available gene chip data GSE413268, which consists of 10 paired colon cancers and normal tissues, were downloaded from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) of National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) . The data were analyzed by SAM software, which generated some differentially-expressed gene probes. Then we re-annotated the probes in some online websites and used the Gene Cluster and TreeView software to further validate the expression of lncRNA. Results There were 66 differentially-expressed lncRNA in colon cancer tissues compared with normal tissues, among which 22 were up-regulated and 44 were down-regulated. All lncRNA showed notably differential expression and the foldchange of gene expression was all more than 2 or less than 0.5. Conclusion The bioinformatics applied to screen cancer-related lncRNA provide a novel way to find new biomarkers, but further study is needed to validate the results.