

Genetic Research Progress of Pancreatic Precancerous Lesions

  • 摘要: 现已证实,基因研究有助于阐明能够促进胰腺癌(pancreatic cancer, PC)发生、发展的一些关键基因和分子通路。早期研究发现,在胰腺上皮内瘤样变(PanINs)进展过程中,随着组织异型程度的增加,相应的发生KRAS基因激活,CDKN2A基因、TP53基因及SMAD4基因失活,并可导致多个重要的细胞过程和信号转导通路发生改变。而在导管内乳头状黏液性瘤(IPMNs)和黏液性囊性瘤(MCNs)进展过程中,也发生了相应的基因突变。最近,全基因组外显子测序技术揭示了由癌前病变进展而来的胰腺癌基因图谱,这些研究对发展形成新的个体化治疗方法有所帮助。本文从胰腺三种癌前病变形态学变化、各自的基因突变事件以及胰腺癌前病变中部分信号通路和调控过程与基因突变的关系等方面作一综述。


    Abstract: Now it has been confirmed that genetic studies are contribute to illuminate the key genes and molecular pathways which promote the formation and progression of pancreatic cancer. Early studies found that the activation of KRAS and the inactivation of CDKN2A, TP53 and SMAD4 occurred with the increased organization atypia degree in the progress of pancreatic intraepithelial neoplasia (PanINs); moreover, these gene mutations led to various important cellular processes and altered signal transduction pathways. Similarly, some relative genes vary in the progress of intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) and mucinous cystic neoplasms (MCNs). Most recently, whole exome sequencing technologies have revealed the genetic landscape of pancreas cancer that arises from preinvasive neoplasms. Such surveys are helpful for the development of new and personalized approaches to clinical management and therapy for pancreatic cancer patients. This review summarizes three kinds of morphological changes of precancerous lesions, respective gene mutation, the relationship between the integrant signaling pathways and regulatory processes and gene mutations in pancreatic cancer precursor lesions.


