

Primary Clavicle Tumors and Tumorous Lesions in East Asia:A Systematic Review of 222 Reported Cases in Recent 29 Years

  • 摘要: 目的 总结东亚地区锁骨原发性肿瘤和肿瘤样病变的临床、病理及流行病学特点。方法检索1980—2011年期间东亚国家公开发表的有关锁骨原发性肿瘤和肿瘤样病变的文献,进行荟萃分析。结果纳入病例222例,年龄1.5~70岁,平均年龄29.4岁。性别比例:男∶女为1.53∶1。病灶部位:局限于内、中、外1/3段者分别为28.9%、18.8%和33.6%,同时累及内侧和中央1/3和同时累及中央和外侧1/3者均为7.4%,累及全长者4.0%。主要病理类型:嗜酸性肉芽肿18.02%,浆细胞瘤9.91%,骨肉瘤和骨软骨瘤8.11%,尤文肉瘤7.21%,软骨肉瘤5.41%。10岁以下恶性肿瘤少见,而40岁以上恶性肿瘤比率明显增加,说明肿瘤的良恶性比率与发病年龄的相关关系显著。瘤段切除手术为主要的治疗方式,其中40.8%的病例采用了自体或异体骨移植重建。结论锁骨肿瘤和肿瘤样病变的分布具有年龄和性别倾向性。在东亚地区人群中,嗜酸性肉芽肿和来源于骨髓造血系统的肿瘤所占的构成比相对较高,高龄是锁骨恶性肿瘤的危险因素。这些特点可能与锁骨的组织结构和发育方式以及蒙古利亚人种的遗传学特征有关。


    Abstract: Objective The aim of this systematic review is to review the published papers from East Asia on the clinical,pathological,and epidemiological characteristics of primary clavicle tumor and tumorous lesions. Methods A computerized search based on keywords “clavicle,” “tumor,” and “tumorous lesion” (both in Chinese and in English) was performed on papers published from 1980 to 2011 in East Asian countries,including China,Japan,DPR Korea,North Korea,and Mongolia.An analysis was carried out with unified inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results Two hundred and twenty two cases were identified.The age of onset ranged from 1.5 to 70,with an average age of 29.4,and a male/female ratio of 1.53∶1.The percentage of different tumor sites was 28.9% of the cases were located in medial 1/3 region of the calvicle,18.8% in central 1/3 region and 33.6% in lateral 1/3 region;7.4% involved both the medial and central 1/3 region as well as the central and lateral 1/3 region;and 4.0% involved the full length.Major pathological types included 18.02% eosinophilic granuloma,9.91% plasmocytoma,8.11% osteosarcoma and osteochondrom,7.21% Ewing sarcoma,and 5.41% chondrosarcoma.The age of onset was found to be strongly correlated with the benign/malignant ratio.Clavicle malignancy was rarely found in patients younger than 10 years old,while the incidence of malignancy greatly was increased among patients over 40 years old.Total or subtotal claviculectomy was the most adopted treatment in cases with available treatment information.Among them,40.8% of patients in these cases received reconstruction of allograft or autograft. Conclusion Clavicle tumors and tumorous lesions in East Asia had an inclined occurrence in respect to age and gender.The most common tumors were eosinophilic granuloma and tumors derived from the bone marrow hematopoietic system.Elder age was found to be a risk factor for malignancy.These characteristics may be related to the special tissue structure and mode of development in clavicle as well as the genetic traits of the typical Mongoloid in East Asia.


