

Expression and Significance of EGFR and TSLC1 in Different Laryngeal Lesions

  • 摘要: 目的研究表皮生长因子受体(EGFR)、肺癌肿瘤抑制因子1(TSLC1)在喉良性病变、癌前病变与喉癌的表达规律及两者在喉癌组织表达的相关性分析。探讨声门型喉癌发生的可能机制,为喉癌防治提供理论依据。方法喉良性病变、癌前病变与喉癌各取30例,采用免疫组织化学染色(SP法)检测其中EGFR、TSLC1的表达。 结果从喉良性病变→癌前病变→喉癌的过程中,EGFR表达呈递增趋势,TSLC1表达呈递减趋势,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。喉癌组织EGFR、TSLC1的表达无相关性(P>0.05)。 结论EGFR与TSLC1在喉组织癌变过程中可能发挥重要作用。


    Abstract: Objective To investigate epidermal growth factor receptor(EGFR),tumor suppressor of non -small cell lung cancer 1(TSLC1)in the throat benign lesions and precancerous lesions and cancer of the larynx in both the rule and expression analysis of the organization. Explore glottis of mechanisms that provide for laryngeal cancer prevention. Methods Throat benign lesions,and laryngeal precancerosis with 30 cases,using immunohistochemical staining (SP) detection in which the expression of EGFR,TSLC1. Results From throat benign lesions → precancerous lesions → laryngeal of the larynx,the increasing trend of EGFR expression,the expression TSLC1 dropped,the difference is statistically (P<0.01).Laryngeal EGFR,TSLC1 expression without correlation(P>0.05). Conclusion EGFR and TSLC1 in the throat by a benign lesion to precancerous lesions and cancer of the development process may play an important role.


