
IMRT联合锥形束CT技术治疗颅内危险区 肿瘤病灶

Application of IMRT Combined with Cone-beam Computed Tomography in Treatment of Intracranial Tumor

  • 摘要: 目的采用兆伏级锥形束CT(cone-beam computed tomography, CBCT)技术图像引导调强放射治疗(intensity modulated radiotherapy, IMRT)颅内危险区肿瘤病灶,评估其摆位误差及PTV外扩范围。方法对36例颅内肿瘤患者设计IMRT放疗计划,采用西门子ONCOR直线加速器配备的MVision兆伏级CBCT进行三维方向(左右、上下、前后)容积成像并与计划CT图像相匹配获取前5次放射治疗摆位后和摆位误差调整后CBCT数据,分析摆位误差及PTV外扩范围。结果36例患者三维方向摆位误差分别为,左右(2.22±1.37) mm、上下(2.62±1.50) mm和前后(2.77±1.34) mm。摆位误差调整后较调整前摆位误差相比在三维方向均有降低, 并且差异均具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。5次CBCT分次间摆位误差在三维方向上差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。若不行CBCT摆位误差校准,PTV在三维方向的外扩范围,左右:2.94 mm, 上下:3.31 mm,前后:3.52 mm。若行CBCT摆位误差校准,PTV在三维方向的外扩范围,左右: 1.00 mm,上下: 1.19 mm,前后: 1.68 mm。结论各个方向的摆位误差边界小于4 mm,采用兆伏级CBCT技术对颅内肿瘤IMRT治疗分次间摆位误差的纠正和PTV边界的评估对提高颅内危险区肿瘤IMRT治疗的精度有重要意义。


    Abstract: ObjectiveTo evaluate the interfractional three-dimensional (3D) setup error and propose optimum margin of planning target volume (PTV) in radiotherapy for intracranial tumor at risk of using intensity modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) guided with cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). Methods Thirty-six patients received radiotherapy of IMRT imaging-guided with megavolt MVision CBCT scans equipped in ONCOR Linear Accelerator. The initial five fractional CBCT volume-imaging and data obtained by CBCT scans after initial setup and after re-positioning were dimensionally matched with planned CT images. ResultsThe interfractional setup errors on X, Y and Z axes were (2.22±1.37) mm, (2.62±1.50) mm and (2.77±1.34) mm, respectively, for 36 intracranial tumors. Comparing with the pre-correction position, the post-correction setup errors decreased significantly on all three axes (P<0.05), whereas there were no statistically significant difference in five fractional setup errors (P>0.05). While without correction of CBCT setup errors,PTV margin in three dimension were Lat(cm)-X:2.94 mm, Long(cm)-Y:3.31mm,Vert(cm)-Z:3.52 mm.While with correction of CBCT setup errors, PTV margin in three dimension were,Lat (cm)-X: 1.00 mm, Long (cm)-Y: 1.19 mm,Vert (cm)-Z: 1.68 mm. ConclusionThe set-up margins were <4 mm in all directions. Measurement and correction of interfractional setup errors and PTV margins before fractional radiotherapy using megavolt MVision CBCT could help to improve the precision of IMRT radiotherapy for intracranial tumors.


