Abstract:Objective To observe efficacy and side effects of Paclitaxel liposome single-agent on the first-line treatment of elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods Twenty one elderly patients (age≥65 years, KPS≥70) with histologically or cytologically diagnosed advanced NSCLC were treated with Paclitaxel liposome (at a dose of 175mg/m2 day1 as a 3-h infusion on day 1,21days as one cycle).The therapeutic efficacy was evaluated after 2 cycles of the chemotherapy. Results Among 21 patients all were evaluated for response and toxicity.The overall response rate was 23.8% with complete and partial response rate of 0.0% and 23.8%, respectively; the disease control rate was 71.4%.Adverse events were generally mild, mostly including myelo suppression, gastrointestinal and liver function impairment.There was no treatment-related death. Conclusion The treatment of Paclitaxel liposome showed an effective antitumor activity and a favorable toxicity profile in elderly patientswith NSCLC.