Objective To improve the recognition on the diagnosis and treatment of the leiomyoma of the bladder. Methods The data of 13 patients with bladder leiomyoma(2 male and 11 female) from 1996 to 2008 were analyzed retrospectively. Clinical manifestation included4 cases withdysuria,3 cases withirritative bladder,3 caseswithhematuria,2 cases withhypogastric malaiseand 1 casewithoutsymptom. B-ultrasonography and CT were available in all 13 cases.Low-echo mass inside bladderwasfoundin 11cases atthe first ultrasonographic examimationand3of suffered monolateral hydronephrosis.Soft tissue density shadowwasmeasuredby CT andthe average CT value was 45.5Hu. High signal masswason T2-weighted imageswererecordedbyMRIin 4 cases. IVP showedfilling defect inside bladder in 7 cases.Threecaseswerenegativein the urinary cytologic examinations. Cystoscopy confirmed 2 tumors and 10 occupying lesions.All cases wereperformed by operation, tumor enucleation was performed in 9 cases, partial cystectomy in 3 cases and transurethral recection in 1 case. Results Postoperative pathological observationconfirmedthatthe diagnosis ofbladder leiomyoma, the mean largest diameter of the tumor was 6.5cm. Mostofthe surfacesinthe tumors weresmoothwithtenacious andgrayish-whitesections. It wasobserved by microscopethatthetumor cell differentiated wellwith rare caryocinesiaphasewhilewithout heteromorphism. Recurrence and metastases havenotbefoundand theprognosis has well beenin all 13 cases postoperatively during follow-up from 6months to 6 years. Conclusion Leiomyoma ofthe bladder is benignneoplasmrarelyoccurred in clinic, whosediagnosis depends on medicalimaging. Thedefinitive diagnosis is based on cystoscopy and pathological biopsy. Surgeryisthemaintreatment way andtheprognosis is usuallywell.