Objective To investigate the antitumor effect of dendritic cell vaccine loaded with the human lung cancer associated antigens. Methods The monocytes were separated f rom human umbilicus cord blood cells and cultured for dendritic cells (UbDC) with rhGM2CSF, rhIL24 and rhTNF2αin RPMI 1640 medium. The human lung cancer cells A549 cytolysis antigen and L PS were added into the medium. Suc2 cessively for loading the A549 antigen on UbDC and promoting DCs mature. The mature DC vaccine loaded with A549 cytolysis antigen (UbDC/ AgL) was sorted by magnetic beads. MTT assay was em2 ployed to test the auto mix lymphocyte reaction (AMLR) . LDH release assay was carried out to assess the killing ability of CTL cells against A549 lung cancer cells. The level of human IL21, IL212, IL26 and TNF2βin the culture supernatant was determined by EL ISA. Results The level of human IL21, IL212, IL26 and TNF2βin the culture supernatant of UbDC/ AgL were higher than that of UbDC/ Ag and UbDC separately( P < 0. 01) . The special CTL cells had significant cytotoxicity against A549 cells ( P < 0. 01) and inducemented lymphopoiesis availability. Conclusion The dendritic cell vaccine loaded with tumor cytolysis antigen can activate naive T lymphocyte and induce specific antitumor immune response efficien2 cy.