

Intraarterial adjuvant chemotherapy of malignant tumour of bone

  • 摘要: 目的探讨动脉插管治疗恶性骨肿瘤的手术方法和效果。方法在腹壁下或其他动脉插入硅胶管后用氮芥每周1次共3~ 6次化疗,总量30 mg~60mg,同期配合全身静脉化疗。结果截肢49例,保肢23例,骨肉瘤局部复发1例,骨巨细胞瘤局部复发2例。结论此方法操作简单、实用、有效、费用低廉,配合全身静脉化疗可提高恶性骨肿瘤患者的生存率,降低复发率。


    Abstract: Objective To study the clinical experience of intraarterial adjuvant chemotherapy of malignant tumours of bone . Methods Inserted silica gel ductus in inferior epigastrica artery or others. Intraarterial chemotherapy once every week with the Mustargen 30mg to 60mg ( 3 to 6 times ) followed by intravenous chemotheroy. Results The 49 patients have amputation.One patient with osteosarcoma and two patients with giant cell tumour of bone relapse of 23 patients having Limb-sparing surgery. Conclusion The method is...


