

Surgical treatment for pathological fractures of the proximal part of the femur

  • 摘要: 目的分析股骨近端病理骨折的手术方法及效果。方法39例患者接受手术治疗,平均随访38.5个月。结果 恶性肿瘤及复发性骨巨细胞瘤采用异体骨段复合人工假体置换,骨囊肿等行刮除植骨术,多病灶型骨纤维结构不良行外翻截骨及内锁髓内钉固定术,术后总评优良率76.9%。肿瘤复发、植骨吸收是常见的术后并发症。结论病变的性质、侵袭范围、股骨近端的应力分布等是手术选择的依据。良性病变瘤壁上残存肿瘤组织的灭活方法仍需继续探讨。


    Abstract: Objective Study on the surgical treatment for pathological treatment of the proximal part of the femur. Methods 39 patients suffered from pathological fracture underwent operations and were followed up (median 38.5 months). Results Allograft-prothetic composit implanting are the recommanded technique for primary malignant neoplasm. Curettage and bone-grafting are safty and the mainstay of treatment of most of the benign lesions. Fibrous dysplasia of the bone would result in a progressive varus deformity ...


