Objectrive Most deaths from colorectal carcinoma are due to metastasis.However,there is no reliable metastatic potential indicator to date.This study was performed to investigate the potentials of nm23-H1 as metastatic potential markers in colorectal cancer.Method Immunohistologic staining for nm23-H1 was performed on archival materials from 58 patients with colorectal carcinomas by SP assay.The relationship between nm23-H1 expression in tumor tissues and clinicopathological parameters was analyzed using SSPS software. Results 62.1% of patients with colorectal cancer expressed elevated levels of nm23-H1,and correlated with decreasing tumor stage(P=0.01),and had a negative relation with lymph node and liver metastasis(P=0.02087,0.00376,respectively).nm23-H1 as a reliable metastatic potential marker,overexpression of nm23-H1 contributed to good prognosis(P=0.0002) Conclusion nm23-H1 is a sensitive marker for predication of metastatic potential in colorectal carcinomas.