Protective Effect of Ornithine Aspartate on Chemotherapy and Radiation of Lymphoma with HB Virus Infection
摘要: 目的探讨门冬氨酸鸟氨酸在乙肝病毒感染的恶性淋巴瘤放化疗中的保护作用。方法乙肝病毒感染的恶性淋巴瘤30例,在放、化疗前3天及疗程中每日静脉滴注10克门冬氨酸鸟氨酸,治疗期间每周复查血常规1次,每两周复查肝功能。结果26.7%(8/30)的患者白细胞减少,I级16.7%(5/30),Ⅱ级10%(3/30);发生肝功能异常的占16.7%(5/30),其中I级6.7%(2/30),Ⅱ级10%(2/30),无Ⅲ/Ⅳ级肝功能损害。结论放化疗期间合用门冬氨酸鸟氨酸可预防并减少放化疗对肝脏的损害,提高病人对治疗的耐受,减轻治疗的副反应。Abstract: Objective To explore the protective effect of L-Ornithine-L-Aspartate(LOLA) assisted with chemoradiotherapy in patient of lymphoma with hepatitis B virus(HBV). Methods 30 cases of lymphoma with HBV, were treated with LOLA(10g per day venous instillation) during the chemoradiotherapy, blood routine and liver function were detected to evaluate the effect. Results Grade Ⅰ~Ⅱ leucopenia were 27.7%.Grade Ⅰ~Ⅱ liver function damage were 16.7%. Conclusion LOLA was effective and safe in the prevention and treatment of t...