Application of Median-effect Principle in Guantitative Analysis of Antitumor Agents in Vitro
摘要: 目的 在体外利用中效原理定量分析抗癌药物联合应用过程中的协同、相加或拮抗作用。方法 采用MTT法, 利用中效原理判断联合用药 (阿糖胞苷, 长春新碱 )对HL 6 0细胞的效应。结果 两种药物单用及联合应用时随药物剂量增加, 其效应也随之增加。两药大剂量合用时为拮抗效应, 小剂量合用时为协同效应。两药合用时给药次序不同不会影响合用效应, 两药合用时药物浓度比例变化会影响合用效应。结论 两种药物合用时大剂量为拮抗, 小剂量为协同, 其效应大小与两种药物浓度比例有关, 而与给药时间次序无关。Abstract: Objective Synergistic and antagonistic effect of combined antitumor agents were analyzed quantitatively with median-effect principle in vitro. Methods The median-effect principle and MTT method were used in HL-60. Results Vincristine and cytarabinum cytotoxic activity of the individual and combined drugs enhanced as drug concentration increased. The sequence of administration did not influence the cytotoxic activity of the combined antitumor drugs. The ratio of drug concentration was a factor to influenc...